Today we started the Jamestown webquest posted under the Period Materials for Period 2: 1607-1754. The webquest is due Wednesday. Also, don't forget to be reading your textbook. Your first quiz is next Tuesday and will cover everything we have learned in class to that date as well as Chapters 1-3 and the vocabulary for chapters 1-3 found on the same page as the textbook files.
Today we completed our first DocBlock document analysis. I will read and make comments this weekend. We then walked through a "historical mystery" as an example of what History really is as opposed to the popular assumptions. We then ended by examining how your textbook account of the first Americans matches (or doesn't match) with current history and discussed some possible reasons. This weekend, you need to take care of a couple of activities. First, follow this LINK to complete the student self-evaluation and group-evaluation for your genius guide projects. Second, check out the images in the gallery below taken from current AP textbooks and compare them to what we learned today about the peopling of the Americas and answer the following questions to be turned in Monday:
I was very pleased with the project presentations today! I am looking forward to digging into your Genius Guides to see more detail on what you learned! Also today we started our first DocBlock of the year, examining a primary source document from Bartolome' de las Casas. Over the next week you will see more of these "blocks" introduced to our daily routine.
Tonight, take a minute to refresh your memory on the Columbian Exchange with this clip and make sure you have reviewed pages 4-8 of the textbook for a brief discussion tomorrow. H We spent a good portion of the period today discussing the Early exploration and settlement of the Americas by European peoples and learning the Cornell style of note taking. We also examined a set of primary and secondary sources focusing on the reliability of sources and the choices made in the telling of history. This is a theme we will be returning to often in the next few days. I will upload the slideshow used with today's discussion on the PowerPoints page under my Blog.
Tonight's homework is to complete the Genius Guide projects and prepare for presentations tomorrow. Remember, presentations should be 5 minutes MAXIMUM! Last night's reading assignment has been shifted to Friday class discussion. H Today we did an exercise looking at cultures in Early American history through a new lens and exploring features of European/Native American contact. We then worked with some primary source artifacts from the Mayan civilization to experience how historians reconstruct events and cultures from America's early history. We ended up the day with some time to work in your teams on the Genius Guide project due Thursday. You will have a little time on this tomorrow as well.
If you were out of class first period for the Junior Class meeting, you need to hover the "Period Materials" link on the site menu above, Click on the "1491-1607 link, then on the "Mayan Art Activity" link. By Friday you need to use the "Content for Activity" file to answer the questions in the "Ancient Maya Handout" file. Tonight's homework is to continue working on your projects, but also view the "Pre-Columbian America" video under the "1491-1607" link and to read over pages 4-8 of the textbook to be ready to discuss that information tomorrow. If you do not have the textbook password, send me an email. H Welcome to the first day of APUSH at Green Hope! Today was mostly housekeeping activities with the syllabus and other informational handouts. Don't forget to fill out and have your parents complete the student information and signature sheet and return it by Wednesday! Also, by Wednesday you need to have a three ring binder specifically for this class and a set of 8 tab dividers. I will be collecting the binder every so often, so DO NOT use a binder you share with another class.
Also today, we took the Summer Assessment. Those grades will be in by Friday along with the grades on the Summer Assignments. You got the assignment for your first project as well. The directions sheet is posted under Period 1 in the Period Materials section of the website. Projects are due Thursday and are mostly an out of class assignment. I'm looking forward to a great semester together, and, remember, if you ever have any questions or concerns, send me a tweet or an email! H |
HutchBlogI will use this blog to share each day's activities and post reminders about assignments and upcoming assessments. Archives
January 2016
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