We ended up the year (and decade!) today with our final scored discussion of the class. I found a lot of what you had to share very interesting! Your online dicsuccion follow-up won't be due until the Wednesday after break. Just go to the normal discussion boards page and the directions for this time's discussion will be posted there.
Have a great break!!! -H Today was a working day for your final projects and your prep for tomorrow's scored discussions. Please make sure you have your pre-writes ready to go tomorrow! Pay attention to the directions as the pre-write is different this time around! All materials are posted under Period 9 on the website.
-H Today we met in the Media Center for an introduction to the database resources available to you as you search for academic sources for your final projects. Today you should have focused on collecting possible sources for inclusion in your project. In the following project days, you will curate these sources as you craft your annotated bibliographies.
Tomorrow we will be back in the classroom and don't forget that your final scored discussion is on Friday! -H Today we started our Final Projects! You were assigned to your groups and got the opportunity to select research topics and begin working. Your final products will be due January 16.
Tomorrow DO NOT come to the classroom! We will be meeting in the Media Center for the day. Just look for me when you arrive to know what section we are assigned. -H Today was your last regular exam! The only major assessment of this type remaining will be your final exam in January. Tomorrow we will begin your final projects. Also, don't forget that you have your final scored discussion on Friday of this week. The materials and resources are posted under Period 9 on the website.
-H Today was your final DBQ essay! We will have these back to you sometime not long after the break. Monday will be your exam over Periods 8&9, Chapters 27-32!
-H Today was our last day with new content! We covered the debates over the War on Terror and drew parallels to the debates over the First Gulf War. We then discussed the ways different groups have used the events of 9/11 to achieve their various political and sociyesal goals. We wrapped up with some discussion about today and the future in terms of the major issues facing the nation.
Tomorrow will be your final in-class essay with your second DBQ! You will have a hint on the slideshow as you enter class tomorrow. Also, don't forget that you have your last regular exam on Monday and the binder requirements are posted on yesterday's blog. Please omit the "Montgomery Bus Boycott" assignment since we did that with in-class conversations instead of writing your responses. -H Our last quiz, this one over Chapter 32, was today! After the quiz, we analyzed two different points of view on the First Gulf War and then discussed the historical continuities the conflict could be interpreted to represent. We then discussed some of the political and social shifts that occurred in the 1990's and analyzed a couple of formative events in the Clinton administration, including DADT, Healthcare, the "Contract with America," Domestic Terror, NAFTA, and the Kyoto Protocol. We finished up with an examination of the impeachment process in which Clinton was found guilty/not guilty (the Senate found that, yes, he perjured himself, but it was not in a matter that rose to the level of a "High Crime or Misdemeanor"). Tomorrow we will wrap up new content with a discussion of the major issues from the election of 2000 to today. Friday will be your last DBQ essay and then Monday will be your last regular exam. You will find the binder requirements list for Monday posted below. -H ![]()
The Chapter 31 quiz started out class today as we focused on the 1980's and the Reagan years. We examined some documents, primary sources, and data to evaluate the effectiveness of "Reaganomics," then analyzed the Iran Contra scandal. We ended class with an interpretation exercise using a set of political cartoons on the Reagan years.
Chapter 32 is due tomorrow! That will be your LAST CHAPTER! :) -H We spent our opening moments today analyzing two different historical works on the 1970's to accomplish two things: 1) understanding how historians interpret the effects of the economic downturn of the 70's on American politics and people, and 2) to highlight the differences between popular and academic historic writing. We spent the rest of class discussing the Carter years, analyzing the text of the Camp David Accords, and evaluating a set of primary sources related to the Iran Hostage Crisis. Make sure to use the practice DBQ's on the website to your advantage this week! There is a good one on the Nixon years as well as another comparing the Carter and Reagan messaging in the economic and political climate of the 1980 election (Malaise to Morning in America).
Chapter 31 is due tomorrow and 32 the day after! -H |
Daily BlogOn this blog we will share each day's activities and post reminders about assignments and upcoming assessments. This blog is refreshed each semester. Archives
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