Period 2: 1607-1754 - Colonization of North America
School Closure Review Session
Video Link Here
AP Curricular Framework Document
Framework document with annotations from review session
AP Curricular Framework Document
Framework document with annotations from review session
Content Block Activity Files
Click on the links below to download and complete activities:
- Doing History with Jamestown documents
- Indian Slavery in South Carolina
- Readings: Life for Early Colonists, Myth of the Irish Slaves, North America in 1770
- America's Most Wanted Documents, Chart and Questions
- Podcast on the Great Dismal Swamp
- Maroon Communities & Capitulation Excerpt
- Salem Overview, Documents A&B, Documents C&D
- Documents of The Enlightenment and The Great Awakening
- Unit Theme Summary form
Skills Activity Files

passenger_list_comparison.pdf |

colonial_america_data.pdf |

new_colonial_sections_maps___questions.pdf |

columbian_exchange___triangle_trade.pdf |
Document Recitation Block Files

richard_hakluyt_on_colonization.pdf |

richard_frethorne_-_plantation_is_very_weak.pdf |

americas_wost_wanted_docs.pdf |

middle_passage.pdf |

great_awakening_in_new_england.pdf |
Old PowerPoints for Reference

passenger_lists_comparison_sheg.pdf |

race_relations_readings_maroon_and_middle_passage.pdf |

salem_sheg.pdf |

colonial_ideals.pdf |

america’s_enlightenment_and_great_awakening.pdf |
Targeted Standards
WXT-1.0 Explain how different labor systems developed in North America and the United States, and explain their effects on workers’ lives and U.S. society.
MIG-1.0 Explain the causes of migration to colonial North America and, later, the United States, and analyze immigration’s effects on U.S. society.
GEO-1.0 Explain how geographic and environmental factors shaped the development of various communities, and analyze how competition for and debates over natural resources have affected both interactions among different groups and the development of government policies.
MIG-1.0 Explain the causes of migration to colonial North America and, later, the United States, and analyze immigration’s effects on U.S. society.
GEO-1.0 Explain how geographic and environmental factors shaped the development of various communities, and analyze how competition for and debates over natural resources have affected both interactions among different groups and the development of government policies.