We started off with the final Quiz of the semester today! We spent the rest of class evaluating some critical events including the effects of Reagan's economic policies and the Iran-Contra Affair.
Thursday we will wrap up the rest of Period 9 and Chapter 32 is due. Friday will be your final regular exam! n You can find the list of binder requirements for Hutchison's classes on yesterday's blog post. H
Today we discussed the 1970's and the Carter and Ford presidencies. We looked specifically at the Camp David Accords, the. Iran Hostage Crisis, and the election of 1980 in the light of Carter's "Malaise" speech on the energy crisis and the failing economy of the 1970's. Chapter 31 is due tomorrow and Chapter 32 in Thursday! Below you will find the list of items Hutchison will be checking on Friday during the exam! H ![]()
Our focus today was on the Nixon Administration and political developments of the late 1960's and early 1970's. I will upload the powerpoint under Period 8 for students who were out on field trips, etc.
Monday, Chapter Readings #7 are due, Tuesday Chapter 31 is due and Chapter 32 is due on Thursday! H After being ut for surgery for two weeks, today was Mr. Hutchison's first day back! We used class tie today to first take the Chapter Readings #5 Quiz then discuss the Johnson administration. We focused our discussion on the Great Society programs. I will upload the powerpoint under Period 8 for those of you that were out today. Chapter Readings #6 are due tomorrow!
H Today we took Exam 3, covering Periods 6 and 7. Tomorrow we will dive right into Period 8 with a look at postwar American life and the early Cold War. Over the next couple of weeks, instead of reading a chapter at a time, Chapters 28, 29, and 30 have been divided into topic based readings. Reading #1 is due tomorrow. You can find out what portions of the Chapters are in each reading by clicking on the reading reminder on the class calendar.
H We wrapped up WWII today with our fifth Scored Discussion, this one over the use of atomic weapons at the end of the war. Your online contributions for this discussion are due next Friday night.
Don't forget to prepare for Monday's exam! H Today we wrapped up our conversations related to World War II. We looked at various aspects of the home front and also used this time to practice some DBQ skills. We then discussed American intervention in the Holocaust and wrapped up with a conversation over Japanese Internment in the United States. Tomorrow will be your next Scored Discussion, this on over the use of atomic weapons at the end of WWII. Make sure you have your pre-write ready! Monday will be your next exam. It will be in the same format as previous exams and will cover Periods 6 & 7, Chapters 17-27. Your binder materials are listed in the file attached below. H ![]()
Today we tackled the background to WWII with a discussion launched by Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms" speech. We then analyzed some primary sources to develop answers to historical questions on the rise of fascism in Europe and its ties to the global depression of the 1930's.
Tomorrow we will continue our focus on World War II and this Friday will be your next Scored Discussion, this one on the use of atomic weapons. Make sure you have completed the reading selections and the pre-write! H Today we started off with a Quiz over Chapter 26. We then explored how FDR "sold" the New Deal to the American public, specifically through the use of his Fireside Chat radio broadcasts. We then examined the response of the general public and the media with some primary sources.
Tomorrow we will begin discussing the background and causes of WWII and its ties to the depression. Chapter 27 is due and don't forget that Friday you have your next Scored Discussion, this one over the use of Atomic Weapons at the end of WWII (Remember, we are skipping the new deal scored discussion! Make sure you are doing the correct readings!). H Be began today by discussing the causes of the Great Depression, using a small graphic organizer to help guide our conversation. We then spent the rest of class looking at how the depression affected people across the nation by analyzing background sheets, images, and primary sources detailing the unique challenges facing people in 8 different states.
Chapter 26 is due tomorrow and 27 on Wednesday. Don't forget also to be preparing for Friday's Scored Discussion on Atomic Weapons! H |
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