We had our second scored discussion today and it seemed to generate a fair bit of critical controversy. Overall, we were pleased with the outcomes and nature of the discussions. For Mr. Hutchison's class, I implemented some moderation techniques during third period that I will introduce to 1st period next time. In addition to that, you should be reflecting on your own participation using the individual feedback charts I gave you at the beginning of class. You will have your charts as well as the class feedback to consider for this discussion as you come into class tomorrow.
Additionally, you need to navigate to the online discussion board for this conversation and continue the conversation. I gave each class some things to consider when contemplating where they might take the conversation online, but feel free to discuss thoughts or questions you did not get to in class or that occurred to you following our in class discussions as well. These online submissions are due next Tuesday by 11:59 pm!!! If you were absent today, the makeup directions are on the discussion board. Chapters 18 & 20.3 are due tomorrow as we continue talking about the expansion geographically and economically during the late 1800's. H
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