Today we discussed Antebellum immigration, specifically focusing on the massive influx of Irish and Germanic people into the already exploding American population prior to the Civil War. We completed a DocBlock analysis of a Party Platform from the Know Nothing Party and discussed the perception of "whiteness" in the early 1800's in light of the question of whether or not the Irish were considered "white." As I emphasized in class, the Irish suffered through some intense discrimination and maltreatment, but were NEVER slaves, despite the popular online myth promoted by racist memes.
In First and Second periods, we also worked on a causation practice activity linking historical events through "Six Degrees of Separation" to propose and defend historical links. 4th period was short due to the student walk-out and did not complete this activity, but please take some time to look over the causation links you have identified in your chapter notes this unit! Chapter 11 is due tomorrow, so have those notes ready to go! Also, be working on getting prepared for Monday's Scored Discussion! H Today was the ACT exam and all of you being Juniors meant that you were all testing! Make sure you are preparing for the Scored Discussion on Monday! All the materials can be found at the top of Period 5 on this website!
H Today we wrote the first timed, in-class LEQ essay! We will write our second on Friday of this week and ONE of those will end up as your graded LEQ 1. We also wrapped up our DocBlock lit circle from Friday looking at a variety of voices from the Jacksonian era.
Tomorrow will be the ACT exam most of the day for all Juniors. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO BRING A PHOTO ID!!! Wednesday we will return to normal classroom business for a couple of days. Please make sure you are keeping up with the Chapter readings due this week! Check the class calendar on this website if you aren't sure what is due and when. Next Monday we will have our first in-class scored discussion. You will find the two reading selections which will be the focus of the discussion posted at the top of Period 5. You need to read both of the opposing historians and complete the pre-writing assignment by class next Tuesday. The directions for the pre-write and a student sample are provided with the readings under Period 5. H Today we discussed some of the economic and cultural issues that developed during the antebellum years, focusing on the Second Great Awakening, its relationship to Transcendentalism and the resulting reform movements of the era. We also looked at changing demographics, technologies and the emerging market revolution.
If you did not finish analyzing your individual document for our literature circles exercise at the end of class, please make sure to do that this weekend. Also, make sure you have Chapter 9 ready for Monday. Monday's in-class LEQ will focus on developments in politics, parties, and society during the Jackson Administration, and could include information covered in Chapter 9 as well as the chapters we read last week> H NOTE: Due to the sensitive issue affecting many in our school today, we have decided it is better to give you room to breathe and heal so we will be moving the first in-class LEQ to MONDAY and will cover Monday's assignments tomorrow. Chapter 9 will still be due Monday and is NOT moved to tomorrow.
-Mr. Hutchison & Mr. Richardson As far as the summary of today's in class activities: We first finished up the Indian Removal work from yesterday and debriefed the possible reasons for the failure of resistance to removal. We then explored the conflicting interpretations of four different historians on the question of Andrew Jackson's role in the expanding democracy of the 1820's and 1830's. H Today we focused our discussion and analysis on Andrew Jackson. First we explored reactions to major issues during his presidency through analysis of some political cartoons. We then turned our attention to the issues surrounding the Indian Removal Act and those who opposed it by interrogating some editorials from 1820's and 1830's newspapers. Some classes also finished up work from yesterday by completing a DocBlock analysis of the Monroe Doctrine excerpt. If you did not complete this, make sure you do so as homework.
Also as homework tonight, please be sure you have your Chapter 13 notes ready for tomorrow!! We will continue our discussion of the Jackson Administration tomorrow then finish up the seek with your first in-class LEQ essay! H Today we started with the Chapter 10 quiz, followed by some refresher practice on writing thesis statements with a "thesis throwdown." After this we spent a few minutes reviewing the major issues from the Jefferson Administration and ended with a brief discussion over the causes of the War of 1812 using a brief primary source selection.
If you did not finish the War of 1812 questions in class, finish those up as homework ad we will debrief at the start of class tomorrow. Also, please read and be prepared to discuss the selection from Natives and Strangers on Indian Relations found under Period 4. Chapter 13 is due Thursday and if you need to make up quizzes or the exam, I am available Wednesday through Friday during lunch. H Hutchison was out today, but in his absence, you guys covered a lot of ground, starting with a discussion over Chapter 10. We will do more with Chapter 10 tomorrow, so be prepared! Also on the schedule today, you completed a practice AP Short Answer style question over a political cartoon featuring "Ograbme" which was a commentary on Thomas Jefferson's embargo policy. You then tackled some sources relating to the Louisiana Purchase then looked at relations with Native American nations in the Indiana Territory.
H Today was our first exam! ACT pre-bubbling made for an interesting test day, apologies to anyone who now needs to come to tutorial to finish up the short answer portion. I have tutorials on Monday and Thursday and I will be available the entire lunch. There are also a few folks who need to make up some quizzes, so take advantage of next week's tutorials!
This weekend, you need to take care of your Chapter 10 notes... Yes, that is correct, Chapter 10. We do some chapters out of order because, textbooks, ugh, am I right? Keep checking the calendar for the order of readings. Relax and breathe, your first exam is over! Enjoy the weekend! H We wrapped up Period 3 today with a discussion over aspects of the Washington and Adams administrations. Because of time, we modified these activities today so they will not be required in the binder tomorrow. Also please note that the Runaway Slave Advertisements activity was one form per group so you can drop that off the binder list. The last binder item I've been asked a lot is the Jamestown Documents. We did that immediately following the passenger lists activity and it was only one question: Based on the evidence in the documents and data charts, why was the life expectancy for new arrivals to Jamestown so low?
Tomorrow I will collect your binders at the top of class then we will roll directly into the exam. Make the most of your review time tonight, but don't stay up late stressing! Research shows cramming the night before doesn't help and panicked reviewing on the day of the exam actually results in lower grades! Just breathe and relax, do a reasonable review tonight and you'll be fine. :) H |
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May 2018
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