Today was your final in-class DBQ essay! I will have these graded by next Thursday. If you will not be in class next Thursday because of an AP exam for another class, please feel free to come see me during Tutorial or after school that day to see your comments page as you prepare for next Friday's AP exam.
Tomorrow we will begin Period 9 as we round out the new material before the AP exam. Make sure you have Chapter 31 notes complete as there will be an open notes quiz tomorrow! Also, Chapter 32 is due Wednesday! H Today we focused on the late 1970's by first examining two different historical arguments about the period focusing on the effects of economic downturn. We then explored the major issues of the Carter administration, taking time to specifically explore the Camp David Accords and the Iran Hostage Crisis. Also today I returned your feedback for your first DBQ's If you were absent and would like to see your feedback sheet before Monday's next in-class DBQ, shoot me an email this weekend and I can reply with your notes. The possible topics for Monday's DBQ will be drawn from the last two weeks of study: Cold War, Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam War, Great Society, Nixon administration and Watergate. Bee looking over the resources for writing DBQ's on the Writing Tips page and review the tips sheet below. You WILL NOT have this handout during this DBQ, but you will have the checklist as an aid. H ![]()
We discussed the Nixon administration today, starting by debriefing the reading from homework about the rise of conservatism in the 1960's. We then did a bit of traditional instruction to get some historical context on Nixon's presidency then evaluated that information and the information from the textbook in terms of deciding whether or not Nixon was really a conservative president. The final activity was a brief exploration of the Watergate scandal and its effects.
Tomorrow's DBQ has been moved to Monday, so be sure to finish up the brief final textbook reading notes. We will return next week to reading complete chapters to finish up the last two chapters of the book! H Lyndon Johnson's presidency and the legacy of the Great Society were the focus in class today. We started with a bit of DBQ practice with a Cold War DBQ, then we shifted focus to get a context for and understanding of the basic goals, makeup, and POV's related to the Great Society using some primary sources. We wrapped up the day by taking a deeper dive into a set of documents related to the Great Society, using them to respond to four essential historical questions arising from the topic.
Make sure you have your chapter readings done for tomorrow, and also read and take brief notes over the selection "Conservatism begins in the Sixties" found under Period 8. H The Vietnam War was the topic today as we first looked at the debate over American participation by analyzing speeches from Lyndon Johnson and Eugene McCarthy. We then examined the Gulf of Tonkin incident and developed some historical hypotheses in response to questions arising from that event. We ended the day by exploring reasons for resistance and protest against the war.
Tomorrow we will move to the Great Society for our topic so be sure you have your textbook notes ready! H Hutchison was out today, but all of the assignments were in a PDF document under Period 8 if you were absent as well! You focused again on the Civil Rights movement, first exploring some issues presented in a practice DBQ set, then completing a DocBlock analysis of the Southern Manifesto. the last activity was to explore the expansion of the Civil Rights movement to other sub groups.
Don't forget to have your chapters readings completed for tomorrow! H The Civil Rights movement of the 1950's and 1960's was the topic of discussion today. We started class with an open notes quiz over today's textbook readings, then we looked at the Montgomery Bus Boycott as a case study on Civil rights activism during the era. We followed this with a brief DocBlock lit circle using two documents, one by Martin Luther King, Jr. and another by Malcolm X.
Make sure this weekend to finish up anything you did not complete in class. The online contributions for your last scored discussion are due Monday before midnight and your next textbook notes are due next Tuesday. Have a great weekend! H Today's conversations centered on the early Cold War. We started by reading and analyzing an essay by George Orwell on atomic weapons, then looked at some of the events at the end of and immediately following WWII and used a set of documents to develop hypotheses related to the causes of the Cold War. We next examined four documents displaying differences of opinion on domestic and international actions during the Cold War in a DocBlock lit circle. We ended the day talking about U.S. interventions in other nations during the Cold War and examined three in particular using some documents stations and essential historical questions.
Don't forget to have your textbook readings completed for tomorrow! H Today Mr. Richardson's classes tackled the scored discussion over nuclear weapons in WWII and Hutchison's explored the 1950's issues activities, especially focusing on teens and gender roles.
Tomorrow we will shift our focus to the Cold War originating at the end of WWII. Make sure you have your textbook readings ready to go! H Mr. Richardson was out today so his class tackled the post-war & 1950's era activities that Mr. Hutchison's class will be doing tomorrow. Meanwhile, Hutchison's folks ran our final scored discussion of the school year, this one over the use of atomic weapons at the end of WWII. The online discussion board is open and you have until midnight next Monday, April 23 to submit your comments.
Richardson's folks will be taking on the scored discussion tomorrow, while Hutchison's classes need to be sure you have your first set of readings ready to go! Be checking the class calendar here on this site for what portions of each chapter are due on each day of class. Click on the reading on the calendar to get the details of the assignment to open. H |
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