Today we did an exercise looking at cultures in Early American history through a new lens and exploring features of European/Native American contact. We then worked with some primary source artifacts from the Mayan civilization to experience how historians reconstruct events and cultures from America's early history. We ended up the day with some time to work in your teams on the Genius Guide project due Thursday. You will have a little time on this tomorrow as well.
If you were out of class first period for the Junior Class meeting, you need to hover the "Period Materials" link on the site menu above, Click on the "1491-1607 link, then on the "Mayan Art Activity" link. By Friday you need to use the "Content for Activity" file to answer the questions in the "Ancient Maya Handout" file. Tonight's homework is to continue working on your projects, but also view the "Pre-Columbian America" video under the "1491-1607" link and to read over pages 4-8 of the textbook to be ready to discuss that information tomorrow. If you do not have the textbook password, send me an email. H Comments are closed.
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January 2016
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