Today was the first in-class LEQ of the year! Mr. Richardson and I now have a LOT of grading ahead of us, so please give us a bit of time to complete that. Don't forget that Monday, Chapter 8 is due and Tuesday next week will be your first Exam!
People are already asking, so: The exam will be 55 multiple choice questions in the same format you has encountered on the quizzes, plus 2 short answers. You will have 55 minutes for the multiple choice and 22 minutes for the short answers. There will be four short answer choices, but you will only pick and answer two. The exam will cover everything we have studied to date! H
Today we did one last practice thesis statement to prepare for tomorrow's in class LEQ. We then explored Washington's Presidency through some political cartoons and old fashioned notes. Tomorrow is the first in class LEQ, then Chapter 8 is due Monday, followed by the first Exam on Tuesday. I'm attaching a list of the things you should have in your binder so far this semester. The next few weeks coming up will be packed, so check out the class calendar and work out a plan now! H
Today we started with a thesis practice and then proceeded to analyze some of the speeches delivered at the New York Constitutional Ratification Convention to parse out the arguments between Federalists and Anti-Federalists. We also took a few minutes to talk about the levels of stress that come along with Junior year and APUSH. Please make sure you are making a realistic plan to accomplish what is on the schedule for the next couple of weeks as this is the peak. Things begin to ease off again after the second week of October, so there is light at the end of the tunnel!
Tonight, you need to read and take notes from the brief PowerPoint on the Three Versions of Republicanism found HERE. You also need to read the article on Republican Motherhood at THIS WEBSITE. H Today during our tutorial Writing Workshop, we were so happy to welcome back APUSH veterans to offer writing advice! They worked individually with current students to help develop AP writing skills, and offered the following tips: -Argumentation in thesis is crucial. if it's not argumentative, you probably don't understand the prompt. -Evidence is important and you MUST develop relevance to thesis -Plan! Organize what you'll say before writing anything -Your writing should be clear and concise, not pretty -It's not AP English (we have a whole powerpoint devoted to the differences under "Writing Tips") -Conclusion and topic sentences must relate back to thesis Special thanks to Misses Caggia, Chen, Haymond, Kharod, Le, Morse, Ryu, and Sarkar for stopping by to help our current students! Today we continued our thesis statement practice in preparation for Friday's in class essay. We followed that with a brief examination of excerpts from the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist Papers. We wrapped up class with a DocBlock over the political cartoon "The Federal Edifice" in support of ratifying the Constitution.
Don't forget, Chapter 7 is due tomorrow and also that the Exam has been moved from Monday, 10/3 to Tuesday, 10/4 and Chapter 8 which was due Tuesday is now due Monday. Some of the Chapter 8 information is on the exam so this is a good thing :) H Today we took the Chapter 6 Quiz. We then spent some quality time on thesis statements then discussed the Constitutional Convention and completed a DocBlock over a pair of letters between Abigail Adams and her husband John.
Don't forget, Chapter 7 is due Wednesday! H Today we took some class time to preview and analyze some questions from the Chapter 6 quiz and to talk about your note-taking and study patterns. We also took time to peer grade the essays and then turned them in. The remainder of our time was dedicated to a discussion of Shay's rebellion and the failures of the Articles of Confederation.
Don't forget, the Chapter 6 REAL quiz will be Monday! H Today's activities were the reverse of yesterday's with Mr. Hutchison's classes completing the Revolution stations and Mr. Richardson's discussing the Revolution through the eyes of various populations. Tonight you need to complete your essay final drafts for tomorrow's peer grading. Your essays should have the following:
Split activities today as Mr. Richardson's classes completed stations on the Revolution and War for Independence including content and primary source, secondary source, image, and data analysis. Mr. Hutchison's classes examined the effects of the Revolution on various sub-populations through a DocBlock over Joseph Plumb Martin's memoirs. a set of secondary source summaries of different populations and a debate between two historian's perspectives. We also discussed body paragraphs in Hutchison's room today and you need to write a rough draft body paragraph tonight for review tomorrow. HERE is a link to the slides we used in class.
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