Respond to the 2-Minute Drill prompt in the comments below. Come back after school and look through what people shares then respond to at least TWO of the comments. Your response MUST be more than "I agree," then a restatement of what they said. Expand on their analysis and add your own thoughts!
9/7/2016 10:21:04 am
I believe that social media has a negative effect on and average persons understanding of history because people include their opinion in a way that people will believe it is fact when that is not necessarily true.
Pujita Chodisetty
9/7/2016 03:34:53 pm
I disagree with this. Social media allows to have access to information we didn't have before, and it's easier to spread newer, reliable information with this. At the end of the day, it's all up to the person themselves to determine if it's true or not.
Michelle Ramsey
9/7/2016 03:48:11 pm
I disagree. It's not always easy to find reliable sources, sometimes the story gets so mixed up you can't tell one from another and the majority of people believe the false information.
Margaret Lee
9/7/2016 10:24:51 pm
While it can be hard to figure out what sources are reliable and what sources are not, that's not necessarily exclusive to social media OR the internet in general. Take for example the "Irish slave" myth. Yes, that facebook post spread the myth like wildfire, but where did the myth originate? A book.
9/7/2016 04:40:01 pm
Bias is always a factor in writing and history, but does that necessarily make it false? I think the problem with social media is the fact that people don't check the credibility of what they are posting, regardless of the opinion imposed on the piece of information.
9/7/2016 06:21:02 pm
I agree with that bias does play a factor in social medial and history, but it does make it false. Whenever bias is added to a piece of writing, it makes a story favor one way or another, so little parts of the story become false, even though the big idea is still there. I also agree with you that people do not check the credibility of what they are looking at, so that becomes a negative affect on what people are learning about history.
Taylor Penwell
9/7/2016 09:03:27 pm
I don't think that bias necessarily makes the history false. However, I think that bias is greater in social media than it is in other works such as a textbook. Since social media is so easily spread, bias after bias is added onto facts until there is more bias than actual facts.
Erin Boone
9/7/2016 11:05:13 pm
I agree with this because we often skim through our social media feeds and don't take the time to really invest in what we are seeing. The first thing we see is what sticks with us. Bias doesn't have to make history false, because history is made fromdifferent points of views and without bias, the history wouldn't be as full.
Asma Hafiz
9/7/2016 08:24:28 pm
I agree with you. People's opinions shaped the whole historical context on social media. It would led to mislead facts and myths about the historical events/people.
9/7/2016 09:03:43 pm
I agree with kacie that history can be negatively impacted by people adding there opinions.
Kirk Spotts
9/7/2016 09:06:05 pm
I agree, personal bias changes how people views history and can alter the truth to help further their own cause.
Samuel Jin
9/7/2016 09:48:19 pm
I disagree. While it may add more bias to the historical perspective, in the broader view, social media has accelerated communications and has allowed information to flow almost instantaneously. This amount of communication power has enabled people to better understand history as well as the new as the information can now spread to a much broader range of people.
Srikar Chedalavada
9/7/2016 10:22:19 pm
I agree with you. Social media presents information that may be biased, like most historical exploitation, and may also be straightly incorrect. Just because a historical event seems to widely accepted doesn't mean it is correct, and social media preys on this concept.
Jordan Pierce
9/7/2016 10:21:25 am
I believe social media has had a positive effect on the average person's understanding of history because it has allowed to truth to be accessed easier and more awareness to be made.
Nina Smalley
9/7/2016 03:21:47 pm
I personally disagree, although it does allow knowledge to be spread many people have different opinions on what 'the truth' really is and history seen on social media tends to be especially bias. Although it is an easy way to spread information, teens in particular need to be wary about where they are getting their 'facts' from.
Pujita Chodisetty
9/7/2016 03:36:00 pm
I agree with this. Social media allows everyone to have an opportunity to easily learn about the past, and spread it so others could learn as well.
Max Young
9/7/2016 07:09:51 pm
I disagree, media can distort facts for am audience's aproval. The public has no idea if the information is verified.
Finn McBride
9/7/2016 08:29:39 pm
I strongly disagree with Max on this, the media in some context can distort things. But if the person looking for material knows what they are doing they can fairly easily find a reliable source with verified information.
Margaret Lee
9/7/2016 10:28:33 pm
I agree with Max. The purpose of media, especially social media (movies and tv in particular) is to entertain, not to educate. Take Disney's Pocahontas. It's very far from historically accurate- from Pocahontas' age to the situation in which she met John Smith. It's obviously a heavily stereotyped/artistically influenced piece, but for some people it's all they really know about the Powhatan Indians.
Anna Manocha
9/7/2016 07:28:15 pm
I agree that social media allows the truth to be accessed more easily than in the past but I don't think it leads to awareness. I believe social media is more successful in spreading incorrect information because most people on social media are not searching for the truth they are searching for someone who agrees with their opinions or they are often looking for what is considered interesting at that time.
Jessica Yang
9/7/2016 08:29:04 pm
I disagree with your assertion that it allows to the truth to be accessed more easily, because when myth and fact are dealt with together, there are many more people that believe in the myth than the fact. In regards to social media, this leads to the burying of historically accurate information under the more prevalent historically inaccurate information.
Julia Parks
9/7/2016 09:01:09 pm
Although I originally took a different stance on the effect of social media's wide audience, I can also see it from this positive stance of being able to also spread accurate historical information.
Kirk Spotts
9/7/2016 09:07:07 pm
I disagree, social media allows anyone to say anything they want even if its not true distorting the truth which others may see and find to be correct.
Marina Catullo
9/7/2016 10:10:27 pm
While I can agree that social media allows access to more information than ever before, I don't believe that this information is always the "truth," Therefore, I disagree that social media has a positive impact
9/7/2016 10:14:07 pm
I disagree with you on that. Yes accessing facts about history is a lot easier than before, but a bunch of stuff people are posting are sometimes very inaccurate and can cause confusion because of the different stuff people are posting
Allison Deanhardt
9/7/2016 10:30:52 pm
I disagree, so many rumors and myths have started by stories told by word of mouth. Social media makes this worse by spreading faster.
9/8/2016 12:38:31 am
I believe that one piece of social media in particular, YouTube, has allowed history to be a subject that can be understood more in this modern age. Through a video platform such as YouTube, one can learn about pieces of history that are not focused on in textbooks. The use of videos can allow a viewer to see high definition graphics that allow for a better understanding of the subject.
Maya Schroder
9/7/2016 10:21:35 am
I believe social media has had a negative affect on a person's understanding of history. The meme of the Irish slaves caused many people to believe in myths that the Irish were actually the worst treated of slaves, which was far from true. Social media makes it easier to spread false information, and have it largely shared.
Emma Tonnemacher
9/7/2016 03:01:31 pm
I agree totally with you. Social media has created a platform that information can be largely shared without any filter.
Sabina Sabal
9/7/2016 03:53:53 pm
I agree that social media can have a negative effect on the way history is viewed because bias people will alter historic events in their own benefit; they leave out important information or emphasis on a small detail which impacts the story.
Natalie Patetta
9/7/2016 06:45:05 pm
I agree with your statement. Social media makes it easy for people to spread around false information, and the people who read it don't often check the story to see if it is factual. When people are posting about a story, they generally only include the interesting and important parts, leaving out a few key details all because they were 'boring'. This causes people to get the wrong idea and form false opinions about the topic.
Max Young
9/7/2016 07:12:12 pm
I agree, today's media can create myths and false statements which can sometimes over rule the facts.
Walker Dyson
9/8/2016 12:42:32 am
I think that max is right that the present environment of social media can give rise to myths and false statements. Some accounts are verified as factually correct, but any user can create an account that claims to be a reputable source.
Anna Manocha
9/7/2016 07:30:49 pm
I agree with your statement and I think that social media does make it easier to spread false information. Most people on social media don't look for facts that are historically accurate they are looking for someone to verify their preconceived notions and opinions.
haoyu guan
9/7/2016 08:05:05 pm
i mostly agree with your opinion, most of the information on social media are unprofessional, some of them are incorrect. people like to make a big news without any evidence. the speed of gossip spread are always faster than the truth.
Anika Rally
9/7/2016 08:24:26 pm
I agree with your statement. Although social media brings awareness to certain historical issues, those who spread the information may not always be credible.
Samika Satheesh
9/7/2016 08:47:21 pm
I agree with you. Social media spreads quickly and false statements can easily be misinterpreted as the truth. People tend to believe things quickly if seen on social media even if it is not backed up with facts.
Marina Catullo
9/7/2016 10:15:32 pm
I agree with this because with social media it is easier to communicate and spread an ideas, and there is no filter for what is myth and what is fact.
Junghwan Yoon
9/7/2016 10:18:28 pm
I agree, with the internet being so large information can quickly spread whether its true or false. In the topic of history, social media can easily alter what happen and the people who read it sometimes believe it. This causes confusion and doubt about what they know.
Gretchen Mackie
9/7/2016 10:35:50 pm
I don't disagree that social media can make it easier to spread false information, but I would like to point out that it is very good at spreading trustworthy information, too. The flow of information coming from social media is constant, so it is up to the user to decide what should and should not be interpreted as fact. If social media users follow credible news outlets or accounts, they will be able to better their understanding of history.
Gabrielle Longakit
9/7/2016 11:23:26 pm
I agree with you. I mean, do you think it's unfair that they were let off better, since they were given an opportunity to be out of slavery and treated as humans by law, whereas African slaves were treated as chattel? After all, both were slaves, and yet it seems to be this way because of their skin color.
Amit Mohite
9/7/2016 10:21:46 am
Yes, there is a lot of information that can be used to get multiple perspectives on history that gives a easy out reach to so much knowledge about the past
Ian Delgado
9/7/2016 10:25:16 am
Yes I can also see this side of things and how we have so many perspectives to look at history through
Finn McBride
9/7/2016 08:32:59 pm
I strongly disagree with Ian Delgado on this subject, there might be many perspectives due to the internet but most of them have most likely been altered and biased due to the readers opinions and beliefs, despite what actually happened. And all that social media does is further expand these lies and change them even more.
Justin Ho
9/7/2016 05:02:26 pm
I disagree with your statement as although the internet provides a large pool of data to be picked through, much of the information is easily falsified and manipulated. Not only this, but people are more likely to select and share resources that align with their views, creating bias and spreading inaccurate information.
Ian Delgado
9/7/2016 08:44:55 pm
I disagree with Finn for the reason that the pages with the most followers and exposiure come from the most reliable and actual official internet sites, such as the New York Times Twitter page which constantly informs followers. It's also a lot easier to retweet those accounts than to alter the information for yourself, and even if someone does change the information due to bias, the official credible big pages with millions of followers will reach a lot more of an audience and have a higher level of credibility
Nick Lawson
9/7/2016 10:21:56 am
I believe that social media has had a negative impact because nowadays, people memorize less and use Internet and social media cites to look up answers.
Ian Delgado
9/7/2016 10:24:20 am
Yeah I agree it's very distracting. Nick this was a really deep observation. Wow.
jack stiglitz
9/7/2016 05:38:23 pm
I agree with Nick's statement there are several websites dedicated to giving answers to students. This causes students not to retain any information at all.
Taylor Penwell
9/7/2016 09:10:56 pm
I don't fully disagree with this post but I don't fully agree with it either. I do believe that social media has a negative impact on history. I do not agree with your statement on memorization. Even though the internet does have quick answers, I feel like students use the internet to their advantage to learn about new topics, not just memorize them.
Alex jean
9/8/2016 11:17:40 am
Nick I agree with you because people search most of their doubts online and if they see myths or false information the will believe it.
Sam Jin
9/7/2016 10:22:23 am
I believe that social media has had both a positive and negative impact on the perspective of history today. Social media has expedited the spread of information, allowing history to become much more well known to everyone in the world. However, social media has also led to a similar result of the game"telephone". The primary sources of history become distorted as it spreads out more through the Internet, leading to a worsened version of history.
Alan Li
9/7/2016 03:21:24 pm
I agree with your thoughts, regarding to the worsened history, I believe there're two types, one is simply made up like the Irish Slaves, another is when the author blend his opinion in to the "facts", as you said one might distort the original source.
Sabina Sabal
9/7/2016 04:03:26 pm
I completely agree with you! Social media has both a negative and positive impact of the way history is viewed. It has the ability to share unknown facts and events to the public eye that may as well enrich the public's understanding of a current event. On the contrary, social media also has the ability to misshapen the public's view on history by leaving out details,events, and people, emphasizing on a small portion, and altering information.
Jordan Bates
9/7/2016 05:38:07 pm
I agree, social media has had its pros and cons. It is exactly like the game telephone things get left out or distorted.
Lara Kirby
9/7/2016 06:05:46 pm
This is true. Also, the lack of fact checking and assumptions that every fact one sees is true contributes to this.
Allison Deanhardt
9/7/2016 10:32:39 pm
You make some good points but I'm still not convinced it can be a good thing. To much can go wrong. Way to think of both sides, though! :)
Alex Lee
9/7/2016 10:22:45 am
Negative. It is far too easy for a false statement (for example the Facebook post about Irish slaves) to spread like wildfire and convince a monumentous amount of people that the statement is fact. And many automatically believe what they see, not bothering to double check the statement's credibility
Anais Rhoades
9/7/2016 02:48:23 pm
In response to Alex Lee: I totally agree with you. For me I like to know other perspectives and search the credibility of others but most people don't really go on Instagram or Twitter to get a history lesson so when they see one it's like "Oh I didn't know that, hey mom guess what?" And it continues on as such.
Maya Schroder
9/7/2016 04:58:36 pm
I agree with you, and I really liked how you also mentioned how social media lets people believe one thing, without doing much research. It's so easy to believe the first thing you see on the internet, especially if it seems to be true. Social media makes it harder to find what really happened.
Broughton Kirkpatrick
9/7/2016 06:33:07 pm
I agree with your statement about false information spreading very easily. But, I feel like social media can also inform people of correct information just as easily.
Marina Catullo
9/7/2016 10:22:48 am
I think social media has had a negative affect on the average person's understanding of history, because it exaggerates common myths and inaccuracies in history. It allows people with a limited knowledge of history to spread falsities, and people with even less knowledge to read these things and believe them.
Emma Tonnemacher
9/7/2016 03:04:38 pm
I like your comment of the exaggeration of common myths. Though facts may have some truth to them, the internet allows these myths to be spread quickly and largely.
Jordan Pierce
9/7/2016 03:28:28 pm
I definitely understand your perspective, but I also think if social media is used properly, it can spread much more awareness of the truth than any other outlet is capable of doing.
Tina Bazooband
9/7/2016 05:30:46 pm
I agree with your statement, however social media could be an outlet for people to learn about history when it comes from a reliable source. It can, if used incorrectly, be a source that only holds false information also.
Samuel Jin
9/7/2016 10:00:11 pm
I somewhat disagree with your comment. While there are added inaccuracies to history when it comes to its spread in social media, the existence of social media has allowed such information to spread throughout the world. This flow of information allows people not only to access information and knowledge faster, but has brought more content of history into everyday lives.
Tyler Chapin
9/7/2016 10:22:49 am
Technology has had a good impact on the average life. Technology has let students and adults connect and communicate a lot easier to go over things that were not first said. It also lets people talk from different continents.
Jordan Pierce
9/7/2016 03:29:17 pm
I agree with your comment. Social media has made communication easier, and in turn people are able to learn more.
Jordan Bates
9/7/2016 05:42:19 pm
I disagree, I believe while it has made it easier for us to learn we often learn incorrect things. It also has made us learn faster but the quality is not very good. Is it really a advantage to learn easy and fast if the stuff ur learning often not true making useless?
Tyler Chapin
9/8/2016 08:41:36 am
I disagree with you, Jordan. I think if you can learn fast and effieceintly then it is a lot better because you can teach yourself on the topics. Then if you have a question about it, then you can ask about it in class.
haoyu guan
9/7/2016 08:14:14 pm
in some points i dis agree with your opinion, the new technology and science DO improve our daily life. but following the new things come out, people sometimes use that in a negative way. some information on social media are wrong and have bad effects. but because the quality of social media, it spread more widely. the lie being repeated by 1000 times becomes "truth" in some ways.
Leyla Nadimi
9/7/2016 08:55:42 pm
Although I do agree that technology makes communicating easier that has little to do with hisotry. Social media can present wrong information from uncredible sources. For people who just rely on thing get wrong information that is sometimes just based on opinion.
Ian Delgado
9/7/2016 10:22:51 am
While social media does distract us and waste a lot of time, it does inform us a lot about events that are going on or have happened. I think social media is very very good for current events and things that happen recently but not very good for history that has happened in the far past. Most of the history we see is relatively recent and it's all breaking news and little updates. I think it has helped us know what's gone on in the past decade but before that it has not helped a bit.
Samit Thawani
9/7/2016 03:26:45 pm
While social media can be a distraction, it does offer distinct advantages and ways to study history.
Bryan Nguyen
9/7/2016 08:31:41 pm
Yes, I agree. While it may not be able to provide the best insight on the history from "far back", it gives people a splendid view into the thoughts and ideals of the common human. Through the social media, we get direct information on how a person might feel about a certain topic relevant to now. Applying this thinking, social media might help people further understand or begin to learn about how other humans may have felt in the past when a specific event occurred.
Julia Parks
9/7/2016 09:03:43 pm
I agree with your statement regarding how social media more often only informs users or current or recent events. Very rarely does it touch on historical events, causing social media to have little effect on it.
Gabrielle Longakit
9/7/2016 11:35:10 pm
That is an interesting point that you have made about social media being used for current events-I agree with you on that. I can also see that it has its drawbacks. After all, social media's main purpose isn't about being a (reliable) history book.
jack stiglitz
9/7/2016 10:23:07 am
I believe social media has had a negative affect on the average persons understanding of history. One example of this is the Irish slave rumor which we examined in class. False information spread widly because of one meme. Social media is a medium for incorrect information to be spread with no knowledge of the source.
Bryan Nguyen
9/7/2016 08:36:54 pm
I can certainly agree. Like the meme example, anything appealing or possibly "exciting" (in also negative ways), often tends to spread quicker among the common people. If an idea or fact is newly discovered or maybe deviates from our current thinking, people will often hop on the hate boat and fail to understand maybe exactly why that specific may have occurred. Following this, people will also dramatize the topic beyond the actual given fact making it even more inaccurate, whether it be false or not.
Emily Ye
9/7/2016 10:23:24 am
I believe social media has had a positive affect in the average person's understanding of history because it allows people to view different responses of history and that allows them to develop their own views on controversial things.
Akshithaa Suresh
9/7/2016 03:21:32 pm
I share your view- I think social media is able to provide all perspectives of the topic and allows the audience to create and develop their own opinion.
Meghana Sai Kiran
9/7/2016 05:50:39 pm
I agree with you. Social media does make a good platform for people to share their views on a historical event, helping other people to create their own opinions on the topic.
Allison Rico
9/7/2016 06:10:55 pm
I disagree with your idea because even though social media allows people to view different responses of history it also allows people to create myths about history. Then people see the myths and believe them and pass them on until the truth is lost.
Samika Satheesh
9/7/2016 08:50:59 pm
I disagree with you. Although social media may provide different perspectives, these can be biased. Therefore, has a negative effect on people's understanding of the truth.
Gretchen Mackie
9/7/2016 10:40:48 pm
I agree with your comment on how social media provides individuals with information concerning a topic and them allows them to decide what their stance is. Because of the fact that social media encourages conversation about controversial or historical topics, it has a positive effect on our understanding of history.
Laurenz Gonzales
9/7/2016 10:24:12 am
I think that social media has a negative affect on the average person's understanding of history because there may always be inaccurate information that some person on the internet that might post and the average person on the Internet might look at that post and say that the information that he posted might be correct and spread it throughout social media. If it spreads throughout the Internet too much, most people will think the wrong thing instead of the right information. The most accurate place to learn history are through articles, readings, and classes, not through social media.
9/7/2016 04:24:10 pm
Isn't it the same with text books? If we consider this particular attribute to be an affecting factor then we would not be able have to any way of learning history. All our books don't necessarily convey the truth either and since it's being thought in school isn't it more affecting? If it's social media you decide if you want to believe it or not. In addition to meeting new people and gaining different perspectives, isn't it better?
Emma Tonnemacher
9/7/2016 10:24:18 am
I believe social media has had a negative affect on the average person's understanding of history because of false information that can spread quickly. Many rumors spread about history, like for instance the myth of the Irish slaves, that are completely false. People don't dig deep into the information they read, instead they just retain the first thing they see.
Emily Ye
9/7/2016 03:43:49 pm
I partially agree with your view. Although people may view false information from studying history through social media, it does allow people to see diverse responses to real history. Through looking at the many opinions of others, they will be able to truly understand history and develop their own thoughts.
Noa Lawrence
9/7/2016 04:08:42 pm
I completely agree with your view on how social media has the power to quickly spread information. Like you said, if a historic post on social media turned out to be false, it could potentially confuse the audience and cause them to believe the false information.
Maya Schroder
9/7/2016 04:56:17 pm
I completely agree with you. Not only does social media spread false information quickly, it stops people from exploring the truth and what really happened.
Bryan Nguyen
9/7/2016 10:24:22 am
I believe social media has had a poor and negative effect on the common person's understanding of history. As a strong link in communication amongst us, false information can easily be spread. Ads and commercials also contribute to possible false information. Even when relatively accurate information appears, it is often dramatized, exploited, or put out of context. Possible icons or characters of the past are also often be misrepresented through poor comparisons or paralells
Laurenz Gonzales
9/7/2016 05:26:21 pm
I agree with your statement. I would add one more thing though, commercials also have huge bias on everything, this includes history. For example ad campaigns throughout the years have always been bias towards the other political party and sometimes that ad may have false information to them.
Leyla Nadimi
9/7/2016 08:58:36 pm
Your statment is correct. On social media people often post what they think will get attention and sometimes the truth is very boring. This is why people dramatize or falsify information. This is misleading and not benificial.
9/7/2016 10:24:31 am
I believe that social media has had a positive effect on our understanding of history. It is true that everything on social media is not true and a that there is a lot of misleading information in it. However, social media allows is to connect with the world and understand the perspectives of different people. This helps us look beyond the singular perspective that history usually provides and understand the various things that actually happened.
Akshithaa Suresh
9/7/2016 03:34:05 pm
I too think that social media is able to connect us with the various perspectives of history and does help us look beyond what is simply given.
Gracelyn Kitchings
9/7/2016 08:10:06 pm
I agree social media gives us various sources and perspectives of history. Through multiple perspectives we can see the big overall picture and not just the picture designed by one biased person.
Broughton Kirkpatrick
9/7/2016 06:38:21 pm
I agree with everything said here. There are both pros and cons to history on social media, but in my opinion social media is a much more relaxed and even fun way to obtain information compared to textbooks. I'm not saying that students should rely on social media for school lessons, however.
Srikar Chedalavada
9/7/2016 10:24:58 am
I believe social has a negative affect on the average person's understanding of history. This is because social media tends to exploit facts that are untrue, and also do not give the entire historical background to events that have occurred in the past. For example, as we have learned recently, the story of Pocahontas and John Smith may not have gone down the way that we have originally perceived. Social media, and other internet sources, does not take this into account and further exploits the false story behind this. In conclusion, social media may spread untrue and non-factual claims about history, which may have a negative effect on the average person's understanding of history.
Noa Lawrence
9/7/2016 04:06:58 pm
We had similar thoughts about this topic. Like you, I said that social media posts tend to have a biased and they skew the truth. You had another good point when you mentioned that stories spread quickly through social media. If a post on social media was talking about a certain historic event, and the fact turned out to be wrong, it could potentially confuse the viewers. For those reason, I agree with you that social media has had a mostly negative impact on the average viewer.
Maanasa Kasiraju
9/7/2016 10:25:18 am
I think social media has had a negative effect on a person's understanding of history because the information online can be misleading. For example, the article on the life of Irish servants showed how details can be exaggerated. But because the story seemed inspiring people shared it on Facebook and everyone ended up thinking it was real.
Sam Wolstenholme-Britt
9/7/2016 06:32:48 pm
I agree with everything that you mentioned. I'd also like to add that often groups of people may purposefully post information that is misleading so that the viewers are led to believe a certain set of ideas. For example, the Irish servants post was meant to downplay Black Lives Matter and similar movements.
Daniel Vo
9/7/2016 10:25:22 am
Yes beacuse what we read in class to day on Irish slaves and how they had it worse than African slaves. This information came from a meme on the internet and many people believed it even thought it was not true. This is how the internet can affect history.
Taylor Penwell
9/7/2016 10:25:40 am
Social Media has a negative affect on the average person's understanding of history because of all the cartoons and false advertisements. For example, the Irsh Myth was created. Even though this is not true, this idea is spread through countries and social media makes ideas like this easily spread. On social media, you do not know what is true and what is not. Therefore, social media is unreliable and has a negative effect on the understanding of history.
Gretchen Mackie
9/7/2016 10:25:52 am
I believe social media has had a positive affect on the average person's understanding of history. Social media platforms provide ways for people to read about current events, which helps broaden their understanding of history as it relates to current events. These platforms/apps include Snapchat (stories), Twitter, and Facebook.
Emily Ye
9/7/2016 03:47:19 pm
I agree with you. Social media allows people to understand history and access it easily. Also it allows people to view the opinions of others and eventually develop their own thoughts on the topic.
Meghana Sai Kiran
9/7/2016 05:48:20 pm
I agree with you. Social media is a great way for people to learn about events happening all across the globe and it is a platform which allows people to look at events through different perspectives.
Sam Wolstenholme-Britt
9/7/2016 06:36:54 pm
I disagree. Although people are more exposed to current events, any history included in the story is shown from one angle which gives the viewers a distorted version of history. The articles are unlikely to show more than one point of view and are much more likely to have a bias.
Lauren Sciortino
9/7/2016 07:09:46 pm
I agree that social media provides a great platform for sharing information, but it's difficult to make sure that the information being spread is accurate. Social media is a bit like the game telephone; the information moves around quickly and is altered by different people along the way.
Samika Satheesh
9/7/2016 10:25:58 am
I believe social media has had a negative affect. Social media may contain facts about history that may be untrue, and people tend to change facts in their own way. Social media can also be biased. Therefore, people will have a false understanding about history.
Laurenz Gonzales
9/7/2016 05:14:52 pm
I agree with people being very biased in history. For example Spanish priests in friars would create documents that would tell history in a Spanish POV not the actual history. They would be biased and ramble about how the Spanish affected greatly on the natives or other things.
Allison Rico
9/7/2016 06:14:47 pm
I totally agree with you. Some people may not realize that social media is biased and they might believe the first thing they see with out digging deeper and trying to find out the whole or real story.
Henna Shah
9/7/2016 09:04:44 pm
I agree that social media can contain bias that can lead to people understanding certain events in history the wrong way. People who have strong opinions about a certain subject may over exaggerate it and make it untrue.
Srikar Chedalavada
9/7/2016 10:26:51 pm
I agree with you. Social media has a negative effect on history. To add to the amount of issues with social media distorting history, social media also tends to leave out important historical context. For example, saying "African-Americans should be enslaved" (which is completely untrue this is just an example) in the 1700's would not be frowned upon by many people, whereas if said now, the results would be completely different. Context matters, and social media just tends to leave this key detail out.
Meghana Sai Kiran
9/7/2016 10:26:10 am
I believe that social media has had a positive affect on the average person's understanding of history as it helps the person understand the different opinions and perspectives of people on a historical event. It helps the person look at the event in different ways rather than just one way and helps them create their own opinion on the event.
Samit Thawani
9/7/2016 02:45:28 pm
Social media really is very impressive! It can spread new ideas and information like wildfire and promote discussions and proper discourse about history.
Lara Kirby
9/7/2016 10:45:42 am
Social media has had a negative impact on the average person's perception of history as it presents false facts about events and presents information without sources.
Zoe york
9/7/2016 04:54:23 pm
Social media really does have a negative impact on the averages persons perception of history. I agree when you say that social media presents false facts about events as this can be seen with the irish meme or in general on many topics. Unfortunately, most people do not realize social media is not always accurate and they take away from it the thought that what they read on social media is true.
Chloe Washabaugh
9/7/2016 07:42:04 pm
I agree that social media has generally had a negative impact on how history is perceived, and that information provided on social media is done so without sources. Even the bits of history and myth that cite a source are subject to manipulated statistics and to others that are misinformed. Using a bad source to present history on social media only continues myths and ignorance.
Madison Neal
9/7/2016 11:07:22 am
I believe social media has had a negative effect on the average person's understanding of history by allowing the spread of false information. Anyone can post on social media, and many people believe everything they read.
Maanasa Kasiraju
9/7/2016 08:24:35 pm
I agree, also I think that because information spreads fast on the internet it makes it worse.
Broughton Kirkpatrick
9/7/2016 12:38:18 pm
I think social media has had a positive impact on the average person's understanding of history because it shows many people's opinions on a topic and also exposes new topics to other people.
Lauren Sciortino
9/7/2016 12:40:27 pm
I believe social media has a negative effect on people's understanding. While social media has made it easier than ever to access and be exposed to information, a down side to that is it can easily be false or incorrect information that can be difficult to verify.
Chloe Washabaugh
9/7/2016 07:50:29 pm
I agree that history shared on social media without a verifiable source has negative impact. False or misleading information can easily be shared without any thought to if the information properly represents history, and this leads to assumptions and misconceptions.
Mitchell Haselow
9/7/2016 07:51:19 pm
I agree, sometimes it can be hard to find reliable information due to everyone being able to post whatever information they know. It is highly possible that the information they know is false.
Michelle Ramsey
9/7/2016 12:40:31 pm
I believe social media has more of a negative effect on the average persons understanding of history. It allows for the spread of false information to happen quickly and reach a lot of people. People can write anything they want and as stories and history gets passed along information gets added and lost which can scew the way people understand what happened.
Cole Ammerman
9/7/2016 04:52:14 pm
I agree that the spread of information is much more rapid when it appears on social media and also that not all of it is true. What would happen if something was true? Would you discredit it right away without checking its credibility? I think in order for it to have a negative impact, the person has to stop at what they see and they don't search for more information themselves. But if they continue their research, they will end up with more information then they had when they originally read that piece of false data, making even false statements have a positive effect.
Cole Ammerman
9/7/2016 12:41:27 pm
I believe that for the most part social media has a negative impact on the average person's understanding of history. The reason for this is that the "average" is not going to fact check what they read on Facebook before they click share. This leads to a mass spread of false statements and educates the public with incorrect information.
Nick Bivona
9/7/2016 03:29:24 pm
I agree with you. Many people I know have come to me with a cool fact they found on the internet and it turns out to be incorrect.
Zoë york
9/7/2016 04:57:43 pm
I completely agree with your statement in regards to the fact that the average person does not fact check "what they read on Facebook before they click share". This is exemplified by the sharing of the Irish Slave meme that went around facebook or just in general with false news articles from sites such as the Onion. Many people just assume everything they read is true and go ahead and click the share button. Unfortunately, this leads to people having false ideas about history or even present day events in general.
Elisa needham
9/7/2016 10:34:25 pm
I agree with your statement Cole. what we read on the internet could have been posted by anyone, history major or not. there's no way to truly tell if the info posted is true or not.
Samit Thawani
9/7/2016 12:41:34 pm
I believe social media has had a positive impact on the average person's understanding of history because it has enabled widespread and instantaneous global communication and allows the world to interact with and share information about history and events in the past, which enhances their understanding.
Eden Chou
9/7/2016 05:22:01 pm
While I do agree that social media is effective in spread information really quickly, I disagree that social media provides a good impact on history. The information that could spread around quickly could be false resulting in a large swath of people learning falsified information. This could then lead to a myth similar to George Washington chopping down a cherry tree where the truth isn't actually what most people believe it to be.
Karthik Edupuganti
9/7/2016 08:23:09 pm
I agree with the fact that you can easily communicate between people about different historical events, its also possible for people to give wrong information about a historic event. They can get a wrong understanding of the event, and since things throughout social media spread quickly, a lot of people can get the wrong idea about an event.
Elisa Needham
9/7/2016 12:42:00 pm
I believe that social media can have both a positive and negative affect on our oerception of history, though mostly negative. Like we saw in class, there are viral posts of untrue historical facts, like the myth of the treatment of Irish indentured servants. there are now millions of people that believe those lies. on the contrary, if the information is accurate, social media can help it spread on a mass scale. another issue though, is that you never if the info is 100% true, because it's on the Internet.
Sean Petersen
9/7/2016 07:53:50 pm
I agree with this post as i also made a point about the viral post that was untrue that we saw in class. It is a good point that you made when you said you never know if the info is totally true, as you can never be sure on the internet.
Zoe York
9/7/2016 12:42:05 pm
I believe that social media has had a negative affect on the average persons understanding of history because social media spreads more myths then facts about the past. Take the Irish slave meme that was shared on Facebook that we discussed in class. It was a myth, yet people spread it believing that the Irish really were slaves and that they were the first slaves. Social media clearly has a negative effect on the average persons understanding of history as they are tricked into believing that what they see is true.
Max Young
9/7/2016 12:42:12 pm
I believe that social media has negative effects on someones perception of history. Some aspects of todays media can distort some ideas of the past. Some people may believe that media can be more reliable but it can give false information.
Maanasa Kasiraju
9/7/2016 08:23:48 pm
I agree, also I’d like to add that media might exaggerate information to get people’s attention and get them to click on the post.
Erin Boone
9/7/2016 12:42:19 pm
I think the social media has both a positive and negative affect on a person's understanding of history. It gets information across to a wide variety of users very quickly, however the information may be accurate or inaccurate. Most people will believe what they see on the Internet so if it's false, it's a negative tool and if it's true then it's a great way for people understand history.
9/7/2016 06:25:48 pm
I agree that social media does have a positive and negative affect on a person's understanding of history, but I think it more falls under the negative. Most people do use the internet to find out things about history, but most of the things are inaccurate if you are not using a reliable database. It can become helpful though since it is a good way to get information across very quickly, if the information was reliable.
Elisa needham
9/7/2016 10:36:15 pm
I agree with you Erin, social media can spread information or stories on a global scale. however, there's also no way to know if they are true, or in the Irish myth's case, made up.
Mitchell Haselow
9/7/2016 12:42:19 pm
I believe social media has had a negative affect on the average person's understanding of history. This is supported by the belief of the "Irish slaves" by people on social media.
Emma Wilcock
9/7/2016 12:42:31 pm
I believe that social media has had a negative affect on the average person's understanding of history because social media gives us false information on the past that we believe. People believe that everything on social media is true, so when there is something about history on it, we believe it. This gives us negative affects on history if we learn the wrong things. It could have a positive affect in the information was correct, but most isn't so it has a negative affect.
Will Humphlett
9/7/2016 12:42:43 pm
Social media has a negative effect on the average person's understanding of history. Often the media will taint the truth with embellishments and often omit the ugly truths of history. In addition the media will often highlight certain parts of a historical event in order to promote whatever narrative they support. However most of the information surrounding that event is left out by the media.
Nathan Teeter
9/7/2016 08:25:05 pm
I agree with you on the fact that the media can manipulate the history they tell. Not telling the full truth is as much a lie as telling no truth at all.
Vijay Lohar
9/7/2016 09:18:24 pm
I agree with this. A lot of information on social media is biased or leaves out specifics, which can lead to viewers learning the wrong things.
9/7/2016 12:42:46 pm
I think social media was made a negative affect on a persons understanding of history. Someone can create a false post and call it history where some people believe it to be history ex:myth of Irish slaves. People create these false history because they want to change history for their personal benefits of their beliefs. They want the history to try and reflect their beliefs and have others start to adopt their beliefs
Luisa Lyons
9/7/2016 12:42:49 pm
Social media today has a huge impact on people's lives. There is a lot of false information displayed on social media sites, along with some true. It has been emphasized to "not trust anything you read online," and I agree that this statement is true. The Internet is a very useful source, but the credibility of these sources is debatable. This is a negative impact on the average persons understanding of history due to the incorrect info that is so easily accessible to the public.
Erin Boone
9/7/2016 11:12:34 pm
I agree with this and that often social media doesn't present accurate information when it comes to sophisticated topics like history. The media is trying to pull the reader in with something new and exciting, so accuracy may not be the main focus. However, there are some cases where accuracy is pretty much the only focus because historians are trying to shatter the myths that social media and other communications presented in the first place. You've convinced me that overall, social media has a negative impact on the typical social media user.
Nathan Teeter
9/7/2016 12:43:12 pm
Socialmedia has a negative effect on the average person's understanding of history. This is because people will believe anything on social media as long as it has a lot of backing behind it like favorites or retweets or likes. The little amount of things that are actually true are outweighed by the false.
Will Humphlett
9/7/2016 08:14:09 pm
I agree with your assessment on the reliability of information from social media. The crowd sourced determination of truth seems to be very common place.
Leyla Nadimi
9/7/2016 12:43:31 pm
Social media has a negative affect on a person's understanding of history. At times information about history does not come from a credible source. In addition it does not include all the facts about the event. This can distorts the truth, which can lead to a false understanding of history.
Anais Rhoades
9/7/2016 02:57:53 pm
I agree with you completely. Seeing historical posts or recent things, especially with the racial tensions this year, I always search the information and try not to believe everything I see and hear but most do not do that. I know someone right now that when they see certain things on Instagram or Facebook they immediately believe it without any other source and it's kinda funny but sad at the same time.
Mahima Rajesh
9/7/2016 03:32:58 pm
I agree with you because that was the case with the Irish Slave misconception, where blogs were written using quotes from an unreliable source and wrongly informed readers.
Finnegan McBride
9/7/2016 12:43:34 pm
I believe it has had a negative impact on society, it spreads rumors or myths around that aren't a reality.
Allison Rico
9/7/2016 12:43:34 pm
I think social media has a negative affect on the average person's understanding of history because it distorts reality. Many people believe things that read on the internet and never ask questions. This makes it easy to create myths and get people to believe and spread them. This is a negative affect because then the true is lost and most people will never learn the real story.
Kishan Joshi
9/7/2016 12:43:42 pm
Social media has had a negative impact on an average person's understanding of history because it represents uncertainty and rumors within the social media that aren't necessarily true, but is somewhat positive in that it could bring awareness to subjects that haven't been analyzed thoroughly.
Karthik Edupuganti
9/7/2016 08:33:42 pm
I agree with your statement that it has a negative impact on person's understanding of history. Many people can easily falsify information and spread rumors and myths are not true. This causes people to sway toward that information. This can ruin a person's understanding of history.
Mary Jae Felizarta
9/7/2016 12:43:43 pm
I think that social media has had an extremely negative impact on our understanding of history. A lot of untruthful myths and stories have been circulated around the internet via platforms of social media. These fallacies we read online are not only false, they thwart our understanding and perception of history.
Mika Torres
9/7/2016 12:44:08 pm
I believe social media has had a negative affect on an individual's understanding of history. Social media distorts a story or event and often shows one perspective which creates false information. An average person consumes anything found on the Internet and ignores further research on a topic or event.
Faryal Gilani
9/7/2016 02:36:06 pm
I agree because information can be distorted and people nowadays will believe anything they hear or see on social media.
Luisa Lyons
9/7/2016 03:23:07 pm
While social media does give a ton of true information, it also distorts, like Mika says, into a consumable false story which may only provide one point of view. History is better understood without the use of public distortion and limited view points.
Jack Stiglitz
9/7/2016 05:42:48 pm
I agree with Mika's statement where she said only one side of the story is shown. People who are privileged enough to be on social media are most likely to have similar opinions.
Tony Andreini (anti-communism)
9/7/2016 06:43:57 pm
Mika, this is exactly how I feel about this topic. Very few are willing to dig deeper or look to see if the information is credible.
9/7/2016 12:44:14 pm
I believe social media has had a negative effect on the understanding of history. Social media makes it easy to add unnecessary opinion to facts, which are already somewhat distorted. It allows facts to be deviated even further from the truth than they already are.
Kishan Joshi
9/7/2016 08:46:29 pm
I agree with your statement; social media causes the understanding of history to distort. Some facts that appear in social media may go further down to become multiple "rumors" which may have their own set of opinions and false sets of information added onto them.
Sabina Sabal
9/7/2016 12:47:41 pm
Social media has a positive impact on the understanding of history. Some historical events are unpopular and marked as irrelevant, so a vast majority of people are unaware of it. Social media has the ability of bringing these social historical events to light and informing people of their existence; however, being shared on such an unreliable platform could cause altercations to the events.
Katie Franck
9/7/2016 06:35:03 pm
I agree that social media has the ability to share and inform people of historical events, however the information that is spread is often biased. Social media spreads a lot of different opinions, which can confuse people as to what the truth actually is.
Will Humphlett
9/7/2016 08:23:41 pm
I would agree with your assessment that social media can bring to light historical events, but I would argue with the historical accuracy with which they are told and the context with which certain historical stories are dredged up.
Henna Shah
9/7/2016 09:07:54 pm
I agree that some historical events are unpopular, and social media can help remedy that. However, social media has the power to also make these historical events contain falsified information. As you said, these events are shared through an unreliable platform. The people who post about history may not be the most qualified people to believe when it comes to historical accuracy.
Julia Parks
9/7/2016 01:11:50 pm
Personally, I think that social media has a very negative influence on people by promoting historical inaccuracies. They highlight what Americans think should have or did happen, no matter if it is true or not. Also, since social medias have such a large audience, these historical myths become a social norm, forming common false ideas of history.
Luisa Lyons
9/7/2016 03:29:21 pm
Through the use of social media, the relay of information from person to person creates myths and historical inaccuracies, like Julia states. The large intended audience is not that of one which is wanting to learn, or cares for the historically correct information.
Kishan Joshi
9/7/2016 08:52:32 pm
I agree with your statement to an extent. Social media does give a negative impact on the understanding history, however if someone were to look at one of these false understandings and suspect it for not being whole or being fraud, the person should be inclined to do research on the topic to give them a better and more correct understanding of history.
9/7/2016 01:20:57 pm
Negative Impact, this is because lot of bias involved. Many people have their own opinions on the topic. People can say negative things about an event which are not true and it can sway someone elses opinion.
Mitchell Haselow
9/7/2016 07:57:54 pm
I agree, the information that people spread on social media can have a lot of bias to alter history to agree with their views. People can change information about history and make it false.
Karishma Patel
9/7/2016 01:32:17 pm
I believe that social media has had a negative impact on the average person's understanding of history. The main reason for this is that media often times provides inaccurate information. An example of this is how Pocahontas is portrayed in the Disney film.
Chloe Washabaugh
9/7/2016 02:09:03 pm
I believe that social media has harmed the general understanding of history. Poorly represented versions of history quickly turn into myths that are completely different. However, these myths could inspire some to research more into what they see, instead of believing the first thing they see.
Katie Franck
9/7/2016 06:41:06 pm
I completely agree. Social media allows for the spread of opinions, not necessarily facts. As you stated, this often leads to the sharing of false information, or myths. In some cases these myths can inspire research, but in other cases, this simply leads to people accepting distorted, biased facts as their version of history.
Angelica Edwards
9/7/2016 08:28:15 pm
I agree with your statement. The way certain parts of history are portrayed are often false. Memes , like the one Mr. Hutchison mentioned in class help spread false information. Sometimes people do research more into things they see online like you said. When they do, they hopefully have a greater understanding of what really happened instead of the myths floating around on social media sites.
Allison Deanhardt
9/7/2016 02:16:57 pm
Social media is a negative influence because it can lead to ridiculous stereotypes and rumors that take more work to disprove and make sure everyone is informed.
John Healy
9/7/2016 02:30:46 pm
Social media has a positive effect on the average person because it is an easy and effective way for people to access historical information.
Nick Bivona
9/7/2016 03:25:34 pm
I disagree with your statement because although social media increases access, the access usually wont be to credible sources.
Abigail Hunter
9/7/2016 04:40:44 pm
While I do agree that social media has the ability to share information in an effective and easy manner, I don't believe that the message being discussed is always accurate. Social media can have a negative affect on a person's understanding of history due to the abundance of unreliable sources that it holds.
Tony Andreini (anti-communism)
9/7/2016 06:42:06 pm
John, I disagree with your statement because social media is rarely a reliable source, with the exception of a few places/accounts. You can't believe everything you see on the internet.
Faryal Gilani
9/7/2016 02:33:05 pm
Social media has had a negative effect on the average persons knowledge of history because often the information portrayed is inaccurate or induced with falsified fact. This can lead to the development of myths.
Karishma Patel
9/7/2016 04:10:40 pm
I agree with your statement. Social media (while in some cases helpful), is well known for being a source of inaccurate historical information.
Mikaela Torres
9/7/2016 05:23:21 pm
I totally agree with your statement, many individuals fall into the social media trap and instantly believe everything that's circling the Internet. We need more primary sources and research to back up stories and events.
Sam Wolstenholme-Britt
9/7/2016 02:33:12 pm
Social media has a negative impact on history. This is because individuals can twist a historical event to suit their own needs. If the post becomes popular, then a massive amount of people are given a misrepresented view of history. A good example is the meme about Irish slavery that we reviewed in class today.
Eden Chou
9/7/2016 05:16:34 pm
I agree with you that social media has a negative impact on history because it's true that nowadays information can get easily changed whether it's for personal gain or not. Also, content on the Internet can spread quickly, as you mentioned, which could further promote falsified information.
Layla Peykamain
9/7/2016 05:40:05 pm
I agree that social media has a negative impact on people’s perception of history because individuals could change the way a historical event is presented to back their own opinions up. People use history as an excuse to believe something or act a certain way in the present. History as shown through social media may be more about personal gain than it is about giving an unbiased view of how an event unfolded, resulting in many people having an untruthful view of historical events.
9/7/2016 02:34:11 pm
I think social media has a negative influence on history, because many misconceptions about history are often posted as truths to back up an argument or make a statement. When in reality, the person does not know what they are talking about, and they use the wrong resources to make their claim.
Madison Neal
9/7/2016 09:54:19 pm
I agree. While social media allows for a quicker spread of information, it can be misleading. Correct information can be misinterpreted, and someone who knows information is false still may use it to back up their argument. This is made even worse when people believe what they read on social media.
Justin Ho
9/7/2016 02:34:35 pm
I believe that social media has had a negative impact on history as oftentimes the information presented is inaccurate or biased. On social media people have a persona, a way they want others to see them, and their posts reflect this. This bias may skew or manipulate how history is presented, and people can get the wrong idea.
Faryal Gilani
9/7/2016 02:38:04 pm
You're right about wanting people to share the same views as them about something typically going on or that has happened and that many people can eventually get the wrong idea.
Mikaela Torres
9/7/2016 05:27:35 pm
I agree with your perspective on this. The average person seeking for historical facts will unfortunately go straight to social media platforms and ignore historical documents and research.
Natalie Patetta
9/7/2016 02:37:58 pm
Social media has both a negative and positive affect on the average person's understanding of history. Social media can spread the story around quickly, but it can also add an element of myth to it. It can add biased views to the story, but it can also add views that people had not thought to consider before.
Alan Li
9/7/2016 06:57:51 pm
Social media itself can't modify the history, is the people using it who created the biased view or the new thoughts on past events. For that reason, basically what's happening is that if the person using social media is a well educated normal person, the outcome is positive; vice versa.
Henna Shah
9/7/2016 02:38:57 pm
I believe that social media has a negative impact on history. Falsified information can become viral within minutes of a post. Some posts are also heavily biased or exaggerated which can cover up the truth. The people who post these misconceptions are also usually not reliable sources.
Karishma Patel
9/7/2016 04:17:43 pm
I agree with your statement of how false information on the internet tends to spread quickly. In addition, this information has a negative impact on people because it persuades them into believing false facts.
Jessica Yang
9/7/2016 08:23:28 pm
I agree. In addition to the quick spread of false information, the information is rarely fact-checked by those who are using social media, so the misinformation goes on uncontested.
Anais Rhoades
9/7/2016 02:44:13 pm
Social media has had a negative effect on the average person's understanding of history. Through meme making and false comments, the average joe is not going to know much about what history really is or the "truths" of history, only what they've learned in school. Average joes posting about false things for other average joes to see equals ignorance. And the few that do have a deeper understanding of history and what it means may be in a way shunned by the opposing majority. People don't necessarily like what they don't know.
Gabrielle Longakit
9/7/2016 02:52:47 pm
I believe that social media can have a positive and negative effect on the average person's understanding of history. On the positive side, facts about history can be shared with others through the usage of the Internet if one doesn't have access to books or documents. On the negative side, using historically inaccurate bits of history or telling others a myth is true will distort some people's way of viewing history. But I really believe it all boils down to the person viewing the content and if they believe the content is true and contains actual facts that are carefully researched.
Eden Chou
9/7/2016 03:00:47 pm
In my opinion social media has a negative effect on a person's understanding of history because social media is very influential and it's basically what our world revolves around. It spreads information around like a virus and could easily spread false information regarding a historical topic which could lead many people to believe that a falsified statement is true. False information could change the way people think about a certain event in history or how they viewed a specific person in history. It could also confuse a person because more than likely, false information contradicts what is actually true.
Alan Li
9/7/2016 03:03:41 pm
Social media has mostly negative effect on people's view of history. By introducing biased and incomplete stories, social media usually build up a false sense of the history for people, and for lots of people, social media is their only source. However, for those who are completely blinded about a part of the history, knowing these pieces of information from social media is better than nothing.
Nina Smalley
9/7/2016 03:24:17 pm
I completely agree! The 'facts' people read on social media about history often have a large amount of bias in them and are seen very differently depending on ones background and location
Anika Rally
9/7/2016 03:05:37 pm
Although social media does have the power to connect people and inform them of historic events, I believe that, ultimately, social media negatively "twists" both a person's understanding of past events and even history itself. In an age so technologically connected, people's online opinions, statements, and beliefs of past events have added "myth" to history, so to speak. Not everything on the Internet and social media is true, and failure to recognize this has ironically created historical ignorance, despite the increasing amount of interconnectedness throughout the recent years.
Akshithaa Suresh
9/7/2016 03:19:14 pm
I believe social media has a positive effect on the average person's understanding of history because it is able to inform and educate the audience on a topic in various perspectives. Though it may have bias included, it gives the audience a better understanding of the content from all sides.
Taylor Brown
9/7/2016 06:40:52 pm
I disagree with your statement. Yes, social media does provide different perspectives and view points on history, not all the information posted from locals and civilians who barely know about the event or topic is factual.
Asma Hafiz
9/7/2016 08:29:05 pm
I disagree with your comment. I don't believe social media portrays a better understanding for audience to learn about history. Many posts would be biased since people states a serious topic on social media.
Nina Smalley
9/7/2016 03:19:33 pm
Social Media has a huge effect on peoples understanding of history. Unfortunately, the effect isn't always positive. History is often seen differently depending on ones culture, race, or location. This causes teens in particular to see certain sides of history represented over social media, but not others. The stuff that is seen is often highly bias depending on who is reporting it, Even major news organizations, such as cnn are known for large amounts of bias in their pieces. All in all, social media has a negative effect on the true understanding of history
Nicholas Bivona
9/7/2016 03:24:04 pm
I believe that social media has a negative effect on the average person's idea of how history really was. Especially when it comes to commercials around the holidays, companies use incorrect accounts of history to market their product.
Mahima Rajesh
9/7/2016 03:39:57 pm
I agree with you because there definitely are companies and organizations that use the gullibility of people to campaign their products.
Mahima Rajesh
9/7/2016 03:29:03 pm
I believe that social media has negatively impacted the average person's understanding of history. Take for example, the thread of memes and sarcastic jokes about Irish "slaves". There are images circling the internet with captions claiming that the Irish were treated worse than any other race in America as slaves, and that they are not complaining (indirectly "pointing fingers" at African Americans for the "Black Live Matters Movement") today like others are. The misconception started with a book that was published in 2000 that failed to distinguish "slaves" from "servants" (the Irish were somewhat humanely treated indentured servants). Although the Irish were under egregious working conditions, they were never slaves. Then the myth escalated through blog posts and then eventually evolved into the modern day memes. This might only be one of many cases where threads of misconceptions posted on the internet have confused or convinced people, negatively affecting their understanding of history.
Vijay Lohar
9/7/2016 08:28:58 pm
I agree with this statement. The rise of things like memes spread disinformation faster than ever, and that has a negative impact on a person's understanding of history.
Nathan Teeter
9/7/2016 08:35:44 pm
I agree with you and I think, like you said, that there are likely many more misconceptions just like there was in class. The whole Irish being called slaves all started from a book which reminds me of the best selling Columbus book for 50 years that has a lot of wrong facts in it. How many misconceptions are taken from just that one book?
Pujita Chodisetty
9/7/2016 03:30:27 pm
I believe that social media had a positive impact on the general understanding of history. People communicate and share so much more knowledge know, and accessing historic documents is now easier than before. With the internet, you can learn a lot more about the history of how our world came to be the way we know it today.
Michelle Ramsey
9/7/2016 03:52:40 pm
I disagree with your statement because facts may be easily accessible but that doesn't mean that they don't have bias or weren't twisted. Social media makes it so easy for people to add there own thoughts and opinions on everything and share it with the world, which could spread false information.
Justin Ho
9/7/2016 04:58:38 pm
I disagree with your statement as although the internet has greatly increased our access to historical documents and resources, not all of these resources are particularly accurate. These resources may be spread on social media, leading to the spread of inaccurate or false ideas.
Tina Bazooband
9/7/2016 05:03:10 pm
I disagree with your statement because even though we do have that easy access, the information people share are not necessarily true. Also people can take a piece of history and change it in any way they want.
Anika Rally
9/7/2016 08:19:50 pm
I disagree with your comment. Even though technology has given the world more access to historical information, not all of these resources are necessarily credible. Since social media is readily available in today's age, virtually anyone can comment about their understanding of history, without actually having accurate knowledge about the topic.
Noa Lawrence
9/7/2016 04:02:11 pm
I believe that historical information portrayed through social media tends to be an unreliable source of information. People tend to skew the truth and only talk about negative aspects of a topic when using social media. I believe that social media has had a negative impact on the average persons' understanding of history because social media posts tend to be biased and only represent one side of the story.
Megan Kowae
9/7/2016 05:27:53 pm
I agree with your statement because it is true in many cases that when someone is to explain their account of an event they only tell their side of the story, The do this because most individuals don't think to view their situation in multiple perspectives all thy see is what happened to them.
Alex Jean
9/7/2016 08:00:08 pm
Noah I agree with you because myths and biased stories can spread through the social
Jessica Yang
9/7/2016 04:02:13 pm
I believe that social media, although useful in spreading information, ultimately has a negative impact on the general understanding of history. The easiest way to spread information on social media is to have it be short, sensational, and as a result, fictional. This makes it difficult for the complicated events being told to be explained as fully as needed. Even though there are sources of accurate historical information, social media is most effective at spreading myths that are already rampant.
Abigail Hunter
9/7/2016 04:36:30 pm
I agree with your stance on the matter. Social media has the power to spread information, true or false, at a rapid pace. People typically post things that they believe will get the most attention. They don't necessarily think about the factuality of their statement or the repercussions that it might have.
Layla Peykamian
9/7/2016 05:27:28 pm
I also thought that history is not explained fully on social media, which leads to social media negatively impacting the average person’s perception of history. I agree that the most eye-catching information (that may be false and incomplete) is often the information spread throughout social media, influencing people’s perception of history. The perpetuation of faulty history or myths though social media is a distortion of reality and is not how I think we should try to approach history.
Natalie Patetta
9/7/2016 06:32:24 pm
I agree with what you said. Social media is an easy way to spread information around, no matter how factual or biased it may be. When people post things on social media, they often add their own opinion to the story, which often distorts the facts; making what once was truth, a myth.
Layla Peykamian
9/7/2016 04:04:10 pm
I believe that social media has had a negative effect on people’s perception of history because it has caused people to learn inaccurate and incomplete history. The historical accounts that are spread through social media may not be true history because in social media users are able to incorporate their own opinions or exaggerate certain aspects of a historical story. This alters the historical events that people learn. Another negative effect that social media has on people’s perception of history is that those who learn history from social media will only learn the information that is the most trendy, or the most likely to get posted. Important historical information that is less “postable” will go unknown, making people's perception of history incomplete.
Lauren Sciortino
9/7/2016 07:05:59 pm
I agree with your point, but I would almost say that individual opinion could improve upon the history. It adds different perspectives and new lights to topics.
Angelica Edwards
9/7/2016 08:10:38 pm
I agree with you. Social media always shows the most trendy topics. When some stores decided not to sell the confederate flag anymore, the debate over the history behind it ensued. People argued about why or why not the confederate flag should be sold and what it represented. Different facts and opinions were floating around on social media, though not all of them went into great detail about the history of the flag.
Abigail Hunter
9/7/2016 04:12:46 pm
I believe that social media has a negative impact on the average person's understanding of history. While the internet does possess a vast array of information, not all of it may be factual. Social media has the ability to spread news instantaneously. This can become a substantial issue if you take into account how many stories there are online that are simply untrue. The majority of people won't fact check something before they share or retweet it. As a result, false information is going to be circulated around the internet and eventually that one inaccurate narrative is going to become someone else's "truth".
Taylor Brown
9/7/2016 06:35:15 pm
I agree with your comment, not every piece of information you find online is true. An example would be the "shooting" that happened a couple weeks ago at Crabtree valley mall where there was allegedly a shooting inside the mall that left customers fleeing and stopped traffic for hours. On social media everyone was saying there was a shooting but later the truth came out that someone just dropped a tray.
Erin Kennedy
9/8/2016 10:50:59 am
While you make a great point of how social media can negatively effect history, I somewhat disagree. History can be negatively interpreted in the ways you mentioned, but many people forget that social media involves social matters, including those like historical events and reliable news sources that refer to such events in their pieces. In this way, history can be relayed positively, informing people instead of forming opinion (and often prejudiced) based comments of events that happen in history.
Alex Dalberth
9/7/2016 04:53:55 pm
I believe that social media positively effects our geography by allowing people from all over the world to talk and share pictures with each other instantly, allowing the world to be more interconnected and allowing people to share their culture and lands easily.
John Healy
9/7/2016 07:33:48 pm
I agree that social media helps globalize different cultures and that could help with understanding the history of other cultures. In addition, it is easy access to historical information.
Drew Fitzgerald
9/7/2016 10:20:34 pm
I disagree with Alex, I think social media has a strong negative affect on history. While technology makes history more convenient and easier to find, does not mean it is accurate on a social media site.
Erin Kennedy
9/8/2016 10:56:55 am
I disagree with Alex, because though people have a way of connecting to different places and cultures, many people are still ignorant of geography, unable of forming a mental map of the world in their heads. In other words, people know "about" where other people are from, but they lack the understanding of the culture and ethics of such a place. Without this knowledge, people cannot truly comprehend the world they live in, and cannot comprehend the diversity in hucu human life exists.
Tina Bazooband
9/7/2016 04:59:49 pm
I think it has negative affect on a person's understanding of history. Social media is full of bias and anyone can post anything. If someone posts something false and it goes viral, more than likely, people will begin to believe it regardless of whether or not they have all the facts.
Megan Kowae
9/7/2016 05:24:39 pm
I believe that social media has had a negative influence on historical facts due to all the bias and excess exaggeration that is has been added over the years. People have the tendency to add their own personal opinions to any type of content especially the ones posted on the web. This makes it very difficult for a user to find the origin of the facts and what is factual. Even though social media allows us to reach more resources than ever, it doesn't benefit anyone if it's not true. Many online sources can be misleading.
Renzo Catalan
9/7/2016 07:43:11 pm
People do tend to have own bias on their work which could affect someone else's understanding on the subject negatively. Books, articles, etc., with bias do not have the proper information for a complete understanding of a topic.
Jordan Bates-Williams
9/7/2016 05:31:26 pm
I believe social media has helped educate us on history, but at the same time it often teaches us incorrect information. Anyone can write on social media educated or not. A great example is the book written about Columbus. This book was used as the base of our understanding of the history of Columbus. When really the author made most of it up. Columbus did not think the Earth was flat and he definitely did not discover America. The book sounded believable so people believed it even though it was not true. This same thing happens with social media the majority of the time.
9/7/2016 05:33:49 pm
I believe social media has helped educate us on history, but at the same time it often teaches us incorrect information. Anyone can write on social media educated or not. A great example is the book written about Columbus. This book was used as the base of our understanding of the history of Columbus. When in reality the author made most of it up. Columbus did not think the Earth was flat and he definitely did not discover America. The book sounded believable so people believed it even though it was not true. This same thing happens with social media the majority of the time.
Taylor Brown
9/7/2016 06:29:41 pm
I believe that social media can have positive and negative affect on our understanding of history. It can be positive because social media is a great way to spread news and share your own opinion but this can also be a negative affect because not every one is absolutely right about the facts they give and some post can be very biased so you only see one perspective on the event that happened.
Madison Neal
9/7/2016 09:59:10 pm
I agree that social media can have both a positive and negative affect on our understanding of history. While social media allows people to express different opinions and accounts of events, the truth can get lost in rumors and exaggerations.
Tony Andreini (Anti-communism)
9/7/2016 06:39:36 pm
I believe that social media has had a negative effect on peoples understanding of history, especially teenagers. Often times kids will believe anything they see on the internet/twitter, even if the account is not a reliable source. This can give people the wrong perception of things.
Renzo Catalan
9/7/2016 07:31:49 pm
That is true. Many people are very gullible and will believe anything they see on the internet. The things people see on the internet can affect their understanding on a certain subject.
John Healy
9/7/2016 07:36:51 pm
I disagree because social media has many reliable sources (CNN, History Channel, etc.) and if teenagers follow those accounts they will learn historical information they would've not seen without social media. I do agree many of the accounts are not trustworthy, but some are factual.
Anna Manocha
9/7/2016 07:23:18 pm
I believe that social media has had a negative effect on people's understanding of history because often posts, etc. can become popular on social media but they are not based off of reliable sources or facts. This eventually leads to a large portion of people (especially young people who frequent social media sites) to have an incorrect understanding of historical events.
Megan Kowae
9/7/2016 10:54:20 pm
I agree with you because you state that some news is only important or viewed because it becomes viral on social media and that isn't how people should be getting to their news sources. When people get their information indirectly it causes a lot of confusion. Then they are learning false information and not getting correct historical facts.
Renzo Catalan
9/7/2016 07:27:26 pm
Social media could be both positive and negative to people's understanding of history. It could be negative because the information on the Internet could be false or be lacking certain information. People do not usually search for other sources and only base their understanding on one source, which may have incorrect information. But social media could also be very helpful because people are able to share new discoveries and spread to millions of people.
Sean Petersen
9/7/2016 07:50:43 pm
I agree with this as i think people, including me, sometimes only base their understanding of something on one source. I also think it is great that you can share something about history that you didn't know and educate other people by sharing it.
Sean Petersen
9/7/2016 07:48:19 pm
Social media can have both a positive and negative affect on a persons understanding of history. It can have a positive impact as a person may follow an account that gives TRUE facts on history that can be interesting and that you learn from. Social media can also have a negative affect on a person understanding of history as you may see a post that is false and you believe it thinking that its true because other people shared it, as we saw in class today with the irish children.
Alex Jean
9/7/2016 07:55:19 pm
I believe that social media has had a negative impact on the average person's understanding of history. Myths and untrue stories can spread through the social media making people believe something that is untrue.
Vijay Lohar
9/7/2016 07:56:08 pm
I believe that social media has a negative impact on an understanding of history. Social media often has more misinformation than information that is correct. Many people also base most of their historical knowledge on anecdotes that they find on the internet, which are often false.
Samer Issa
9/7/2016 08:47:31 pm
I agree, as this information could also have bias if the person/outlet didn't try to approach the topic with a neutral mindset. And who knows where they got their info from.
Gracelyn Kitchings
9/7/2016 07:59:35 pm
I believe that social media has both a positive and negative impact on the understanding of history. Social media allows more sources to be available with different views, but it also allows more false information to be shared.
Drew Fitzgerald
9/7/2016 10:17:07 pm
I agree with Gracelyn on this, however I think that more false information is shared than truthful information.
Angelica Edwards
9/7/2016 08:02:10 pm
I believe social media has a negative impact on people's understanding of history in most cases. Oftentimes memes and people's commentary on certain items are based on false and/or a lack of information. People often comment on news articles and mention historical "facts" which turn out to be myths. Social media advertises several things such as movies. Movies are a huge part of historical misconceptions. Historically based movies are often based on drama and little to no historical bases. As social media holds several opinions facts are bound to be lost and myths begin to arise.
Angelica Edwards
9/7/2016 08:03:45 pm
(wrote typo, meant to write basis not bases)
Samer Issa
9/7/2016 08:32:03 pm
A bit late, but sooner is better than never...I say that social media can have both a positive and a negative impact on people's understanding of history. If we view it positively, it can provide sources for the average Joe surfing the internet, giving them access to facts/info they may not have had before. But on the opposite end of the spectrum, social media can have a negative impact because of all the bias that can be found with history on the internet. This bias could impact your viewpoint greatly, making it hard to create your own personal opinion.
Erin Kennedy
9/8/2016 10:45:25 am
Social media has both positive and negative influences on history. On one side, a positive effect on history is that it is communicated to different generations to spread the news. For example, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has so much more issues behind it than just over land. With social media, people surrounded by the conflict can voice the truth of what's happening. Concurrently, there is a negative aspect of social media. The same news of the Israeli-Palestinan conflict could be twisted to suit the demographic that will read it, especially Americans. The news source may claim the conflict is threatening America as a country when there is no such threat. The effect of the media on history varies as current events occur that will change the perspective of readers who view the post.
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