Today we looked one last time at your practice LEQ essays for peer critique. Finish them up tonight and have everything (Your peer critique slips and rough drafts copies showing revisions or share your online document so I can see revision history) ready to turn in tomorrow. We also examined some of the issues surrounding the ratification of the Constitution by completing a DocBlock over the Federal Edifice political cartoon then analyzing a collection of speeches from the ratification debates in New York state.
Tonight, you need to read the selection Republican Motherhood under Period 3 activities and be prepared to discuss it tomorrow, in addition to finishing up your LEQ essays. Be sure to check the PDF file on last night's blog to see the class activities that I will be looking over on Friday's binder check as well. For those asking how to study for the exam on Friday, a few ideas. We always recommend reviewing your textbook notes as well as the extra connections we made from class activities. In addition to that, looking at released APUSH exams from college board as practice questions or using the practice questions available on are also helpful. If you are looking for a bit more review, you can always check out the review sites and guides on the APUSH Exam Review page of this site. Happy Valentine's Day! H Comments are closed.
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