Today we took the Chapter 18 & 19 Quiz then worked on learning stations over the Civil War. These stations should become part of your Content Block. Tomorrow all Juniors will be taking the ACT Test, so we will not be meeting.
We brought our examination of Slavery in America to a close today with a DocBlock by Hinton Helper, a SkillBlock on the Underground Railroad, Slavery Fast Five presentations, and critique and rewrites of some sample thesis statements. Don't forget to finish the thesis rewrites over the weekend and complete your reading notes on Chapters 18 & 19!
H Today we conducted a variety of activities trying to catch up from yesterday's interruption. 2nd period covered a little bit more of the work than 3rd. If you were in 3rd period, make sure you do the "Blessings of Slavery" document HAPP in your DocBlock tonight. 2nd period, make sure you come to class ready to finish up your VoiceThread assignments.
H So today was a weather disaster, ugh. We will catch up on everything tomorrow :)
The attached PDF has the points you earned in class on the first scored discussion. See the previous post for details. ![]()
After taking a few minutes to explore the concept of Manifest Destiny through a couple of primary sources (an image and the transcript of a speech) we held our first scored discussion today. I was pleased with the conversations generated for your first discussion, as we continue through the semester, I am sure they will only get better! I will post your in-class points later this evening so you know if you need to do more online contributions to get full credit. The requirements for the online portion are posted on the discussion board. The discussion board is located under Period Materials/Period 5/Scored Discussion 1. You have until next Wednesday to complete your online discussion submissions. I will also post pictures of the Theme Team posters we created for Period 4 today later this evening. you will need to use that information to complete a Unit Summary chart for Unit 4. I have linked the chart file below again for your reference. :) H ![]()
Today we explored the Market Revolution through some data and primary sources. I also gave you a map of Antebellum American Expansion, which will be the topic of conversation tomorrow. Be prepared for the first scored discussion over the Howard Zinn reading! Your written response will be due tomorrow as well! directions and the reading can be found under Period 5.
H Today we wrapped up the Jackson era with a SkillBlock analyzing some political cartoons and then introduced the Antebellum reform movements with our DocBlock and Content Block stations. We also spent some time introducing DBQ skills using the document from our DocBlock. Expect more of the DBQ activities to be coming in the next two weeks!
Homework this weekend can all be found under Period 5 on the website. The first thing you should tackle is the Nat Turner Webquest, which is due Monday. Then you need to begin reading and working on the selection for your first scored discussion. The discussion is next Tuesday and will cover the reading from Howard Zinn titled "We Take Nothing by conquest, Thank God." Below the link for the reading, you will find a link to the directions for your written response which is due when you come to class Tuesday. You will be able to use this response during the in class portion of the discussion. After the in class portion, I will post your participation scores here on the blog and then you will have a week to complete the online follow up discussion. H Today we discussed the major issues arising from the Andrew Jackson administration and began working on a mini-webquest over Indian Removal, which can be found in the Period 4 activities on this site. The webquest is due tomorrow, as is your 6 Degrees periodization diagram from yesterday.
H today we took some Writer's Block time to discuss and practice AP style short answer questions, then finished our discussion of the War of 1812, the Era of Good Feelings and the Corrupt Bargain for our Content Block. We finished the day in SkillBlock with a periodization exercise: Six Degrees of Separation, due Friday.
Tonight, you need to finish up your Chapter 12 reading notes then complete the Marshall Court Chart using the chart and briefs found under the Period 4 SkillBlock. The only case not in the briefs is Marbury v. Madison. Use your textbook notes to complete the chart for that one. H |
HutchBlogI will use this blog to share each day's activities and post reminders about assignments and upcoming assessments. Archives
May 2016
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