We presented our colonies research today then spent a few minutes completing a DocBlock on the secondary source, The Middle Passage. Third period, we didn't get to the DocBlock so It's part of your homework tonight :(. You can find the document under Period Materials-Period 2-DocBlock Files. I also returned your Richard Frethorne DocBlock homework with annotations today. Keep those notes in mind as you do your next DocBlocks!
Homework this weekend is to finish up Chapter 5 notes for Monday, Read the Johnathan Edwards sermon under Period 2 DocBlock Files and answer the questions also posted there. You also need to complete the Group Reflection Form for today's group presentations, the link to which can be found on the Period 2 page as well. H
Today we spent most of the period in the computer lab working on group presentations about the 13 British colonies that would eventually become the United States. You will deliver your presentations tomorrow!
If you didn't complete the homework DocBlock last night, write it up tonight and turn it in for critique tomorrow! H We moved pretty quickly today as we worked on catching up from the snow days. We covered the procedure for DocBlock portions of the class work and completed the first document, a selection from a book by Bartolome' de las Casas. We also took the first chapter quiz over Chapter 4.
Tonight you need to complete an HAPP analysis over the letter home by Richard Frethorne found under Period Materials- Period 2- DocBlock Files. If you didn't finish the las Casas document today, you can find it under Period 1. H Today we had a whirlwind day back with a three hour delay. We discussed Chapter 2 in our teams and then took a few notes over Pre-Columbian America and early European exploration. We will continue this tomorrow and you will find the PowerPoint loaded under Period Materials for Period 2 after that.
Tomorrow you need to have your course binders ready, as well as your notes for Chapter 4. I will also collect your brochures from the snow day project tomorrow. We should be back on track and in the swing of things by Friday this week after the precipitation interruptions! H On the main page of this site is a link to a brochure project on Pre-Columbian American civilizations. It will be due Wednesday! Chapters 2-4 will also be due Wednesday and I will give you until then to have your binders as well since it may have been difficult for you to get to stores before then.
H So I just got internet back a few minutes ago, sorry for the delay in posting information with the snow day. Since this snow day has come so early in the semester, the only thing I am requiring is the work that was due Friday is due Monday and the work that was due Monday is still due Monday. Enjoy the extra time off! Future snow days will come with assignments to make up for the time we miss in class, just be warned! :)
H Today we finished up the summer assessment activity then proceeded to discuss the Pre-Columbian American peopling of the US and used a societies activity to unpack some of the early Native American - European contact and conflicts. We will continue our exploration of these topics tomorrow and Monday, but for tonight, I want you to continue evaluating the textbook treatment of the Pre-Columbian peopling of the Americas by reading the attached textbook excerpts. Comment in the comments below answering the questions below based on what you have read and learned to date. · Which accounts most closely resemble the account from the American Pageant? · Which accounts most closely resemble the accounts from the current research you read in class? · Which accounts report other explanations of the peopling of America from outside the field of History? · Which account do you think is the most accurate and reliable? Why? · Which account do you think is the most readable and effective? Why? Don't forget Chapter 2 notes are due tomorrow as are your binder and your student information sheet/honor code acknowledgement form! If we don't have school tomorrow, check back here for further instructions! ![]()
For our first day together today we mainly covered the class procedures and syllabus. We then took the summer assignment exam. Don't forget that the Chapter 2 reading notes are due Friday. You should also have your student information form/honor code acknowledgement form completed and returned by Friday along with having your binder and divider tabs ready.
H Welcome to APUSH with Mr. Hutchison for the Spring semester, 2016! On this blog I will post daily updates about what we did in class each day, any homework assignments for the night, and other important upcoming dates and assignments. If you have to be absent for any reason, this is the place to look first! I'm looking forward to a productive semester together!
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HutchBlogI will use this blog to share each day's activities and post reminders about assignments and upcoming assessments. Archives
May 2016
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