We discussed the 1960's today, focusing on the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. We also followed up on the literature circles discussions from Monday over the Civil Rights movement. Tonight, you need to read the selection below on the rise of conservatism and you should probably review your textbook reading from the last couple of chapters as well. H ![]()
Today we continued discussing the Civil Rights movement by viewing some documentary clips then in literature circles explored various points of view from the era. Tonight, you need to use the attached documents to answer the historical question below. Be sure to cite evidence from the documents in your answer. H Based on these documents, was JFK a strong supporter of Civil Rights? Why or why not? ![]()
Today we worked in the computer lab on the Civil Rights Webquest. This is due Monday if you did not finish. Over the weekend, you need to use the same DocBlock Lit Circles format you did before to analyze the appropriate document below and be ready to share on Monday. I've attached the group assignments again below as well.
H QUESTIONS: HAPP, then - 1. What does this document reveal about the effects of the Civil Rights movement on America? 2. What continuities or changes in American history does this document reveal? 3. What is the historical legacy of the events related by this document? (Ties to today?) 4. How is the Point of View expressed in this document a part of that historical legacy? (Similar views today?) Today we took the Chapter quiz over the Great Depression then discussed some of the effects of WWII on the American home front. You will only have two more textbook quizzes and there are only six more chapters to read! Next week we will be approaching DocBlock a little differently for the rest of the year using Literature Circles. This weekend, consult the chart below to see which of the four documents you are responsible to read and analyze. Complete a full HAPP analysis and answer the questions below. Be prepared to discuss your assigned document Monday in your teams. H QUESTIONS: 1. What does this document reveal about the effects of WWII on America? 2. What continuities or changes in American history does this document reveal? 3. What is the historical legacy of the events related by this document? (Ties to today?) 4. How is the Point of View expressed in this document a part of that historical legacy? (Similar views today?) ![]()
Today we discussed political and economic systems and then workked on the WWII Webquest. The Webquest is due tomorrow if you did not finish in class. Also tonight you need to read over the excerpts below and be prepared to discuss at the beginning of class tomorrow.
H ![]()
Today was our final scored discussion. I will post the in-class points and open the discussion board tonight. We also started discussing the rise of Fascism in Europe as a response to the Depression. Tonight you need to read the excerpts below and be prepared to discuss the questions that follow regarding Hitler's economic policies. The first PDF file presents some of Hitler's own speeches on economic issues followed by some evaluations by historians and economists. The second PDF if a BBC file summarizing the economic plan and its real effects on the German people. Don't forget, we will meet in the Mod 3, Room 7 computer lab tomorrow! H Questions: 1. Hitler defines the Nazi plan as Socialist. In what way is the plan he presents Socialist? 2. Hitler was highly critical of Communists and Communism, though in America today, popular culture has a tendency to equate Communism and Socialism. In what ways were Hitler's economic policies non-Communist? 3. Compare and contrast Hitler's economic policies with the New Deal policies pursued in the United states? 4. In what ways was the success of Hitler's economic policy an illusion? ![]()
Today was the third exam, just one more for the year before the final! Tomorrow is your last scored discussion which will be over the Zinn chapter posted under Period 7. The usual pre-write will be due tomorrow as well!
H Back from Spring Break and back at it again with the APUSH Exams! Today we completed the New Deal Webquest and started working on the Fireside Chats activities under Period 7. The Fireside activities are due Friday. Tomorrow is yout third exam, covering 1877-1929, Chapters 23-32. The binder check this time is pretty minimal, the requirements are posted below. Wednesday will be your final scored discussion for this semester! the reading selection is from Howard Zinn again: Chapter 15, "Self Help in Hard Times," which can be found under period 7. The same prewriting activity will be due as well. H ![]()
HutchBlogI will use this blog to share each day's activities and post reminders about assignments and upcoming assessments. Archives
May 2016
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